Walkthrough GTA 5: How to secretly kill in GTA 5

Grand Theft Auto 5 is not famous for stealth assassinations, and most players solve their problems using standard methods in open combat. However, this opportunity has been implemented. It can be useful if the enemy is much stronger, or there are a lot of enemies in the surrounding area, as well as for playing a role.

In addition, in some situations, stealth can help with GTA Online… The stealth kill will make it easier to complete some tasks if you need to act silently or you do not want to attract the attention of the police. To activate stealth mode, you need to hold down CTRL on the keyboard or the left stick of the gamepad.

After that, the character will sit down, and silent kill will be available. In this case, it is necessary to choose a melee weapon or use fists, and also go behind the back of a potential victim. In addition to the above-described advantages of this method of eliminating enemies, stealth can diversify the gameplay, and offer alternative options for passing certain moments.

It is worth noting that during the passage of GTA 5 there are tutorial missions that introduce players to the possibility of stealth assassination. But as it turned out, not many people remember this, and even fewer gamers use this mechanic on an ongoing basis.

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