Twitch Censored Metallica’s BlizzConline Performance – Igromania

BlizzConline Is one of the most important gaming events of the year, and it was traditionally broadcast by a number of channels. But, as it turned out, not all viewers saw the same show. In particular, on the official channel Twitch Gaming some of the content was censored.

It’s about the online performance of the legendary band Metallica… The rock veterans played a special closing concert in 2014 to celebrate BlizzCon’s closing, and now they’ve returned to perform For Whom the Bell Tolls at the BlizzConline Opening Finale.

As it turns out, Twitch Gaming cut out the bulk of the song. Instead, all viewers were able to admire the musicians with a “free” background melody. This was obviously done to avoid allegations of copyright infringement. At the same time, on the Twitch channel Blizzard no censorship was introduced.
Problems with licensed music plague Twitch streamers all the time. Moreover, some get bans for the sounds of a clock striking, a police siren or the sound of rain, even if they come from a real environment.

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