The esports industry is growing every year, and each new event increases the interest of both the audience and advertisers. At the interface between big-time sports and show business, the industry is soaking up the best of these areas. And for everything to work like clockwork, you need people who not only love esports, but are also professionals in their field. A good education is a help in an unequal battle with lags, visa problems, restrictions related to politics, pandemic and other force majeure. Using the example of the multidisciplinary bachelor’s degree “Hospitality” at the IOM RANEPA, we will consider which professions are in high demand in e-sports.
Source: RANEPA
Students of the multidisciplinary bachelor’s degree in Hospitality study according to the Swiss model. In the first and second years, future specialists study together, and then separate to study in depth the chosen profession, operational management, event management, risk management and other subtleties of business. According to representatives of the IOM RANEPA, in the fourth year of the undergraduate program, students have the opportunity to undergo additional training in the chosen field in order to receive not only a diploma, but also a certificate of advanced training. Those who successfully defended themselves and are ready to work in their specialty become:
- deputy hotel managers;
- heads of departments and services of hotels;
- managers of restaurants, catering companies;
- managers of hospitality companies;
- entertainment center managers;
- exhibition specialists;
- hospitality personnel management specialists;
- organizers of events.
It would seem, what does esports have to do with it? Let’s explain now.
“Hospitality” at RANEPA is for those who dream of organizing international tournaments, bootcamps, festivals and exhibitions
Jame at EPICENTER 2019 CS: GO. Source:
As an example, let’s take the task of organizing a bootcamp for an e-sports team on the territory of a foreign state. A manager must not only understand the discipline in which his players perform, but also be a pro in solving many nuances and problems.
What is required: arrange for obtaining visas (do not count how many teams over the years of the existence of international tournaments did not reach the LAN venue due to visa problems), provide accommodation with stable Internet access (and ideally also with a backup channel in case of technical problems ), rent gaming PCs, think over a logistics system so that players can get from home to the arena on time, as well as a minimum cultural program so that esports players can relax after matches. Perhaps, with such requirements to the organizer, even the most recent skeptic will see the benefits of specialized training.
Hospitality – how to host The International from a hotel
Lobby of Pudong Shangri-La Hotel. Source:
Those wishing to organize bootcamps, breathtaking events and even tournaments can choose at least two profiles: “International and National Tourism” and “Hotel Management”. Specialists of the latest profile during the time of coronavirus restrictions were in demand more than ever, because “hotel tournaments” have become the norm. However, Valve always conducted the first stages of The International from the hotel – and those organizers who understood the possible risks better than others and could provide the necessary preparation for the event received lucrative contracts.
For example, the group stage of The International 2019 was held at the Pudong Shangri-La Hotel in Shanghai. A special area with screens was allocated in it, where specialists worked who could tell information about the upcoming event. It seemed that everything was thought out to the smallest detail: even bottles of water were freely available everywhere. However, players and casters always bring from such trips not only positive emotions, but also a large number of claims related to the resettlement and internal organization of hotel life.
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