“The Witcher” for the elite: Review of the series “Damned” from Netflix

Company Netflix with great pleasure continues to explore the topic of medieval fantasy, giving way to the social battle for fans “Witcher”But diligently pushing all the new SJW-canons into their other projects.

Ten-part “Damned”From the creative duo of Frank Miller and Tom Wheeler offers a look at the history of King Arthur and his relationship with the Lady of the Lake, Nimue. Unlike Malorie’s love canon, the powerful sorceress from the author “300 Spartans”Turns out to be the daughter of Merlin and the leader of the faerie tribe, whose dark powers grow from a childhood wound from a demonic bear.

Perhaps, if the authors limited themselves to only changing the relationship between the legendary wizard and Nimue, everything would not be so bad, but the scriptwriters, along with two fashionable directors, are gaining momentum, adding to the story black Arthur, a black woman Morgan with open lesbian inclinations and the local wing of the Catholic Church – Red paladins. The warriors of the church burn all pagans and representatives of the magical people on the crosses, not sparing women and children. In general, here is everything that scared us in the early leaks on The Last of Us: Part II… Nimue herself carries a magic sword to Merlin for most of the season, suffering from internal experiences.

The story does not shine with revelations and seems to be drawn out, Katherine Langford, playing the main role, nervously puffs up her eyes in the style of that very vampire saga, and rare action scenes are interspersed with long pauses with a discussion of the role of a strong independent woman in history. Arthur performed Devon Terrell, looks traditional for the platform Netflix a cuckold and a loser. Merlin is a cunning, calculating, but hopeless alcoholic character. And the lesbian fighting nun, although she tries to bite off the screen time, does not arouse sympathy or interest at all. Of course, the authors are trying to turn their story into a kind of “The game of thrones”With the henpecked king, oppressed by the faerie people with their queen, church and Vikings, but there is neither imagination nor money for this. As a result, the patchwork quilt has to be glued together with animated transitions and lengthy monologues of the main characters. A riot of ideas culminates in a ’90s show-style battle and a slightly unexpected but predictable final plot twist.

It is clear that “Damned“Will be back with a sequel, as the ratings of the show were not so crushing, but you probably won’t want to watch another one”The Seeker Saga”With poorly developed female characters and SJW agenda. Although, if we consider this as a vaccination against a tolerant virus…. Well, for the big breasts of 24-year-old Katherine Langford, who can be seen for only a few seconds of screen time, we will add an extra point to our assessment.

6 out of 10

Author: Alexander Loginov (xtr).

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