The Shadow of War

By tracking one of the artifacts required during the game, collectible that you will have to collect not only to have a bit of additional lore on Middle Earth but also to complete the 100% game, you will find yourself listening to a detail about strange esserins similar to gnomes, but with much bigger feet, inhabiting a county far to the west from Mordor.

This is clearly the hobbit, especially Bilbo Baggins and Frodo Baggins, two of the main bearers of the One Ring, what Celebrimbor is stubbornly seeking and desiring to destroy. Talion, a ramingo used only to the most famous races of the Earth, as soon as he hears the story of this artifact, remains strange and questions the Lucent Lord about the nature of such beings, without finding a worthy note.

The signal, in short, is that the county was not entirely known near Mordor and that probably only Gandalf and all the Istari, Maia who had maintained the power of witchcraft despite transmutation into a human body, it was west of Middle-earth.

In fact, searching for information on the entire Encyclopedic universe of Tolkien, there is no trace of the origins of hobbits: the old stories do not speak, so much so that neither the elves nor Numenor men were aware of the existence of that breed, so in Silmarillion there is no reference to the County or to the town of Brea, another operating base of hobbits.

The first time you read about the breed that resembles the gnomes is in the documents of the Gondor kingdom of the Third Age, referring to a period prior to what was the settlement in the County. At the time, these half-men lived on the high course of the Andrew,

It was the year 1050 of the Third Age that was the decisive one for the escape from the Indus in the direction of Brea and the County: terror for the presence of Angmar, as well as the growth of the shadow coming from Dol Guldur, which had been able to propagate to the Atro Bosco, forced hobbits, beings used to hiding in holes and being away from trouble, to emigrate to the west.

Some went to Brea, others stopped at Campo Gaggiolo, near the Anduin, others went to form the County, with the permission of the King of Arthdain, of which they went to recognize sovereignty. They served in many battles alongside men, revealing great archers and survived numerous catastrophes, including the great plague that devastated the Eriador, who decimated them, but did not extinguish them.

Their battle support was rewarded by the Northern Dunedain, former Numenor residents, allowing them to live peacefully to the Ring War when, during the trip of Frodo, Samvise, Peregrino and Meriadoc, Saruman made iron and fire the town by the Dunland men. On their return from Monte Fato, however, the four hobbits led a revolt and managed to free the county from the invaders in the Battle of Lungacque, the last one that was fought in the Third Era and the County.

The Noldor after Celebrimbor
Dei Noldor we have widely talked about analyzing the past of Celebrimbor, the Lucent Lord. What we have not yet learned is what happened after the death of the Blacksmith.

Even before the creation of the Rings, most of the Noldor had been allowed to return to Aman, before it was separated from the rest of the world and Numenor sank into the Great Sea, some Elves remained in Middle-earth. These, after the destruction of the Eregion, fell to Imladris and Lindon, where Gil-Galad still reigned, unique among Eriad’s sovereigns to resist Sauron.