The review of Destiny 2: the universe in your hands

What is a Guardian? Someone would respond by simply referring to Destiny and vaguely talking about the famous video game. But there are those who would begin to tell entire stories of their adventures, talking about themselves and the many other guardians he met during his travels on the planets of the solar system.


You will hear him talking about impossible challenges overcome only after exhausting fights, you will hear him talking about evenings in the company of many


friends from all over the world, or even how much it means for him everything he has built over the years on Destiny. Bungie has definitely answered the question, confirming just how incredibly strong is the relationship that can be created between us and our virtual alter ego. This is how Destiny 2 is presented,

The review of Destiny 2: the universe in your hands

The game was shaken by deep problems, including connection errors, weak narration, various balances to be reviewed, lack of content and extreme grinding, which quickly caused the loss of interest by the players, not to mention the not inconsiderable cost due above all to the DLC.


One thing is certain: while some of the players had not yet understood Destiny, many others believed in the project and expansion after expansion the popularity of the stock has only continued to grow.Among the reasons for the success, the wise ability of Bungie to listen to the feedback of their players and to make a strong commitment to build and improve the game around them.

Thus come expansions The king of the corrupt and The lords of the iron, which confirmed once and for all the direction taken by the title. September marks instead the beginning of a new era for the Bungie shooter, which aims to embrace an even wider user base and to recover all


those who, for one reason or another, have abandoned with discomfort the first chapter. Destiny 2 made its debut on the console on September 6 but, given the complex structure of the game, we took a little ‘more time to analyze it properly and write a review.

The review of Destiny 2: the universe in your hands


Big flaw of the first chapter of Destiny was first and foremost the complete lack of a narrative at the levels of previous Bungie games. With the sequel has been made the promise not to repeat the same mistakes and tell a more linear adventure accompanied by twists and cinematic high emotional impact. After about twelve hours of only the main campaign, skipping the secondary adventures and various activities, we are ready to talk to you about the plot that outlines its boundaries.


Destiny 2 tells our story, about the player and the guardian. In one with our virtual alter ego we will find ourselves facing one of the greatest challenges of all time, the defeat, the loss of years and years of spoils and victories against darkness. At the beginning of the game we put our hands on our guardian, automatically imported from the first chapter, but something goes wrong immediately, the armies of the Cabal launch a very hard blow to humanity, attacking the last city of the earth and trapping the traveler,


depriving the light of all the guardians and making them for the first time vulnerable to death itself. After the initial mission, as shown in the launch trailer, our guardian is defeated and the tower destroyed. Ghaul, captain of the Red Legion, throws us towards the Earth and from here begins one of the most intense introductory phases seen in the last period. Abandoned by the light and strenuous of our strength we find ourselves in the suburbs of the same city on which we have watched from the top


of the tower for four long years. the armies of the Cabal strike a very hard blow to humanity, attacking the last city of the earth and trapping the traveler, depriving the light of all the guardians and making them for the first time vulnerable to death itself. After the initial mission, as shown in the launch trailer, our guardian is defeated and the tower destroyed. Ghaul, captain of the


Red Legion, throws us towards the Earth and from here begins one of the most intense introductory phases seen in the last period. Abandoned by the light and strenuous of our strength we find ourselves in the suburbs of the same city on which we have watched from the top of the tower for four long years. the armies of the Cabal strike a very hard blow to humanity, attacking the last city of the earth and trapping the traveler, depriving the light of all the guardians and


making them for the first time vulnerable to death itself. After the initial mission, as shown in the launch trailer, our guardian is defeated and the tower destroyed. Ghaul, captain of the Red Legion, throws us towards the Earth and from here begins one of the most intense introductory phases seen in the last period. Abandoned by the light and strenuous of our strength we find ourselves in the suburbs of the same city on which we have watched from the top of the tower for four long years. depriving all


guardians of light and making them vulnerable to death for the first time. After the initial mission, as shown in the launch trailer, our guardian is defeated and the tower destroyed.


Ghaul, captain of the Red Legion, throws us towards the Earth and from here begins one of the most intense introductory phases seen in the last period. Abandoned by the light and strenuous of our strength we find ourselves in the suburbs of the same city on which we have watched from the top of the tower for four long years. depriving all guardians of light and making them vulnerable to death for the first time.


After the initial mission, as shown in the launch trailer, our guardian is defeated and the tower destroyed. Ghaul, captain of the Red Legion, throws us towards the Earth and from here begins one of the most intense introductory phases seen in the last period. Abandoned by the light and strenuous of our strength we


find ourselves in the suburbs of the same city on which we have watched from the top of the tower for four long years. throws us towards the Earth and from here begins one of the most intense introductory phases seen in the last period. Abandoned by the light and strenuous of our


strength we find ourselves in the suburbs of the same city on which we have watched from the top of the tower for four long years. throws us towards the Earth and from here begins one of the most intense introductory phases seen in the last period. Abandoned by the light and strenuous of our strength we find ourselves in the suburbs of the same city on which we have watched from the top of the tower for four long years.