The performer of the role of Sub-Zero answered the question about participation in a possible sequel

If the adaptation is successful Mortal kombat fans will receive not only a sequel, but will also be able to see Sub-Zero performed again on the screen Joe Taslimasince the actor’s contract involves four more films. About this star “Reid“and the series”Warrior“told in one podcast, also sharing his memories of his acquaintance with the cult fighting game.

According to the actor, he was 12 years old when he first saw Mortal kombatHowever, his family could not afford the console due to their poor financial situation, so he went to see a friend who had a video game console, who in turn was popular with the local kids queuing up to play the fighting game.

“I was born in South Sumatra. We were poor and could not buy an expensive console. I went to a friend’s house every day to play a game. He had lines of 10 children. Whoever won could play, so I sometimes had to wait about 40 minutes, “- the actor recalls.

At the moment, the general box office of the new Mortal Kombat in the Russian box office made up almost 800 million rubles. A hybrid screening of the film in US theaters and on the streaming service will begin on April 23 HBO Max

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