The Flower That Tells Lies – review

Korean studio Sonnori Corporation announced a new project, the sequel to the famous horror White Day: A Labyrinth Named School… The second part was named White Day 2: The Flower That Tells Lies… But details about the game have not yet been announced: neither the release date, nor the list of supported platforms.

As we remember, in 2017 Sonnori Corporation announced the sequel White Day 2: Swan Song… The game was also supposed to take place in a school that was closed after a series of student suicides. The game was planned to be released in 2018, but this never happened, and the studio did not name the reasons for closing or freezing the project.

It is not yet known if there is a connection between Swan Song and the new game, The Flower That Tells Lies. The released teaser says little about the plot, setting and characters. It deals only with lies that absorb the truth, and the injustice of living conditions.

WHITE DAY 2 : the flower that tell lies - first teaser. [ENG]

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