The First Millarworld is Coming: Review of Netflix’s Jupiter’s Legacy

Having acquired the company several years ago Mark Millar, Netflix continues to explore the superhero legacy with varying degrees of success. The new project, which easily gobbled up $ 200 million on reshoots, clearly demonstrates a simple truth – even a lot of money is not able to pull out a failed idea.

Jupiter’s legacy”Plays on the fashionable field of social drama with superhero pathos. 99 percent boring dialogue and drama and 1 percent poorly done CGI fights.

America’s Strongest Superhero Performed Josh Duhamel can save the Earth from a meteorite or defeat an insidious villain, but is unable to settle the flaming conflict in the family. Eight hopelessly long episodes throw the viewer between the distant 30s of the last century, when Sheldon Sampson (aka the future Utopian – the leader of the Justice Union) was just preparing to become a superhero on a mysterious island, and a wonderful present with conspiracies, family tragedies and unbearable children.

The idea had a chance to catch on with its originality, but the authors drag out the story, torn between two time lines in an attempt to create at least some kind of intrigue. But even revealing the face of a real villain standing in the shadow of general chaos, and sketching stories about a magical source of strength and strings for a sequel, the writers merge the ending. As a result, “The Legacy of Jupiter” resembles a too prolonged act of masturbation, which ends with a snoring of the protagonist, who fell asleep with his pants down at the Mexican border.

The intermediate lines with the stock market crash, father-child attitudes, and even rebellious son Paragon, tired of the archaic superhero code, do not create the magic they deserve. The actions of the main characters are illogical and stupid. Sex and too ostentatious drug addiction only fill the plot void. And behind all this carnival there is no coherent idea. In “Kick-Ass” by the same Mark Miller, there was both humor and irony.

Unfortunately, there is nothing to laugh about in the world of Jupiter’s Legacy, except for the image of Josh Duhamel with the white beard of Santa Claus and his plowing on the farm, there is simply nothing.

Author: Alexander Loginov (xtr)


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