The Elder Scrolls 6 revealed love scenes and shocked fans

The Elder Scrolls games from Bethesda Unlike many competitors, they were never famous for working out bed scenes and romantic lines between characters. However, everything may change in the future. The elder scrolls 6in which these aspects will truly reach a new level.

Expectations of players from the announced The Elder Scrolls VI extremely high, especially considering that the release of Skyrim took place 9 years ago, and during this time a lot has changed in the industry. According to, fans of The Elder Scrolls 6 arranged a discussion of bed and love scenes in a future Bethesda project. Many recognized that the Elder Scrolls series always didn’t have enough of this, and therefore, in the future TES 6 game, developers should pay a lot of attention to this component. At the same time, most players want to see in The Elder Scrolls 6 not just heroes without clothes in such scenes as in Mass effect: andromeda or The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, but first of all get meaningful and interesting chains of relationships with characters and the ability to pump your novels as you progress through the game. Of course, the players admitted that they would not give up the opportunity to put their favorite girl in TES 6 in bed.

Players want to receive special quests in The Elder Scrolls VI dedicated to the relationship of heroes, which will be available only if one of the other party members is selected, as well as the player investing in these relations. Many fans supported this idea, while others even noted that even normal friendships and attachments to other characters in The Elder Scrolls 6 would be enough for them, since the games in the series cannot boast of that. In Skyrim and other games of the TES series, party members and teammates often became memes because of their sketchiness and small role in the game, because of which players often only used them when they needed it. Fans presented how, in The Elder Scrolls 6, it will be possible to travel with a bard character or chronicler who will tell interesting stories around the campfire and educate the hero about the features of different regions of the game world.

Bethesda’s developers have a hard job to make The Elder Scrolls VI the game that millions of fans dream of. According to, a few more years will pass before the release of The Elder Scrolls 6, and therefore the team can still surprise the fans of the series with a major hit.