The creators of InFamous: Second Son helped the developers of The Last of Us Part II

Studio Sucker Punch Productions, celebrated last year with the release of a samurai action game Ghost of tsushima, gave great support to the team Naughty dog in the early stages of production The Last of Us: Part II… A superhero action movie has become a key link in the partnership between the two teams. InFamous: Second Sondebuted on Playstation 4 back in 2014.

Evan Wells and Neil Druckman, the current CEOs of Naughty Dog, spoke about working with Sucker Punch in an interview with GameInformer. The partners explained that they quickly decided that the main events of The Last of Us: Part II would unfold in Seattle, and by a lucky coincidence, this city was the central scene of InFamous: Second Son.

To make things easier for themselves, Naughty Dog turned to Sucker Punch Productions for a variety of Seattle references and background information. The two studios quickly found a common language, exchanged the necessary working data, and the development of The Last of Us: Part II confidently started on the basis of the received documents.

“In the early days of The Last of Us: Part II, we decided that the game would take place in Seattle. And we also knew that Sucker Punch had created a complete model of Seattle for Infamous: Second Son. We were not going to directly use their assets but wanted to assess the scale of the work, and asked them for the relevant materials. The Sucker Punch team immediately agreed and sent us everything we needed. After that we were able to quickly make a general sketch of the locations. They helped us a lot then, “explained Evan Wells.

The worldwide premiere of The Last of Us: Part II took place last year only on the PlayStation 4 console.

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