The authors of “Wild West World” spoke in more detail about the new twist of the series

In a new interview The hollywood reporter show runners “The World of the Wild West” told in more detail about the unexpected turn of the plot, which was revealed in the fourth episode of the third season.

Followed by season spoilers

One of the main issues to continue was who Dolores I took from my comrades when I escaped to the real world. In the first episodes of the season, the viewer was shown that she replaced real people with androids with other personalities, but what specific is unknown.

As it turned out from the latest series, personalities were nothing more than copies of Dolores herself. The heroine decided that it was worth relying only on herself, taking her copies. Therefore, a total of four versions of the character were demonstrated, although she took five of them.

According to Jonathan Nolan and Lisa Joy, they tried very carefully to avoid the ideas of clones and copies in the first couple of seasons, since such thoughts are very “dangerous”. If you can endlessly copy the personality of Dolores, then will it be itself?

Nolan added that one of the most interesting show runners of ideas was the topic of personality and its components. Is Dolores a program? Or a set of past experiences? ” The authors thought that by the third season it was time to ask such questions.

If you copy a personality by sending it along a slightly different trajectory, will the new person share the ideas of another version? Or will she be captured by the habits of the person she pretends to be?

In the end, Lisa Joy added that the viewer would not fully understand the motivation for Dolores’s action until later episodes.

A new episode of the series will be released next Monday, April 13th.

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