Tag: remake
Publishing house Nis america announced the re-release of the comedy series Prinnythat came out on the PlayStation Portable. Remaster Prinny 1 • 2: Exploded and Reloaded will be released …
After more than 14 years of development Black mesa finally on sale – remake Half-life I received a patch version 1.0 from enthusiasts with many improvements. According to the …
During the final studio of the Trackmania Grand League tournament, developers from the studio Ubisoft nadeo announced a remake Trackmania nationswhich is simply called Trackmania. The authors note that …
Screenwriter of the upcoming remake “Raid” Adam G. Simon in a new interview spoke about his idea for full-length adaptation The Punisher. Before trying on a role John BurntalSimon …
The media report that Chris Evans (The Avengers) is negotiating a role in the new version “Shop of horrors”. The original picture of Roger Corman was released in 1960, …
Media reports that the director “Rocketman” Dexter Fletcher will stage a remake of the movie “Holy” for Paramount. The plot is based on a series of novels of the …
Hashtag is gaining popularity on Twitter Persona3Remake: over the past hour, for example, they have been provided with 560 posts. However, its appearance is in no way connected with …