Tag: fortnite guide
Developers Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time from studio Sanzaru games during the podcast, Kinda Funny Games said they would love to do the fifth part of the series. The …
Studio developers Psyonix announced that they will stop supporting Rocket league on the macOS and Linux (SteamOS) The authors want to adapt the game to the use of new …
Studio Stovetop Last May, Steam released its debut game, Snakeybus. And now I have prepared a multiplayer mode for her. This is the largest update that has been released …
Last fall, a Polish studio Art gamesfamous for adventure Bad dream and platformer Escape Doodlandannounced a game Alchemist simulator. And now it became known that another Polish studio will …
Ukrainian studio Game labsknown for the series Naval action and Ultimate general, after experimenting with an Indian simulator This Land Is My Land decided to return “to the roots.” …
Adventure puzzle Lost Words: Beyond the Page – the debut game of the English studio Sketchbook games. Her idea was born during the jam Ludum Dare 26 in 2013, …
Polish studio T-bull, known for a number of shareware projects on iOS and Android, announced its first paid game. it Infinitecorp, a role-playing card strategy that takes place in …
German court sided Nintendo on the issue of canceling pre-orders, however, representatives of consumers plan to appeal. In February 2018, the Norwegian Consumer Council accused Nintendo of violating European …
The Federal Antimonopoly Service has decided which domestic applications will need to be installed on smartphones and PCs in Russia, as well as how this will happen. The department …
EVERY game works poorly until you optimize it for hardware on the final line before being sent to print. In truth, for some reason we often DO NOT want …