Tag: creator
Tom Hupp, creator Axiom verge, told in the blog Playstation about the new mechanics that will appear in Axiom Verge 2, and illustrated his story with a fresh trailer …
Session Co-op PvE Survival Simulator Icarus from the creator DayZ Dean Hall and his studios RocketWerkz moved from August to November this year. However, beta tests await all players …
Shortly before its official release in 2008, space horror Dead space from the team Visceral Games was personally tested Shinji Mikami… Publisher Electronic Arts invited various industry figures to …
Formally announced back in 2019 indie horror Hotel Barcelonacreated by game designers Goichi Courts and Hidetaki “Swery65” Suehiro, not canceled – the developers continue to discuss the project and …
Independent game designer, whose name is still unknown to us, is working on a horror movie Post traumainspired by Silent Hill 4… So far, little is known about the …
Game designer Glen Scofield, who served as the head of the development of the classic horror Dead space from the team Visceral Games, reacted to recently announced remake of …
Filmmaker Neil Blomkampbest known for pictures such as “District 9“,”Elysium” and “A robot named Chappy“, joined the young game studio Gunzilla games as one of the senior creative leaders. …
Game designer Glen Scofield, former head of studios Sledgehammer Games and Visceral Gamesthe originator of the franchise Dead space, believes that the wide audience is not sufficiently balanced in …
Continuation adventure game AI: The Somnium Files from Zero Escape creator Kotaro Utikoshi is in development, the company announced Spike chunsoft… AI: The Somnium Files – nirvanA Initiative goes …
Game designer Cliff Blesinskiwho was at the origin of the iconic franchises Unreal and Gears of War, announced work on a new project. True, it is not a fact …