Sony has registered a patent for the system of organizing and conducting tournaments within the PlayStation 5

Company Sony Interactive Entertainment has registered a new patent related to the next generation gaming system Playstation 5… The essence of the idea described in the document is to implement convenient leaderboards and schemes that allow the audience of multiplayer games to create their own entertainment events directly from the internal interface of the console.

According to the description of the patent, using “digital gaming platform“(most likely, we are talking about the service Playstation network) players will have the opportunity to organize their own tournaments… At the same time, events can be created both within the framework of one single game, and a whole list of projects.

A potential system should be highly flexible and have a wide range of tools. For example, it is assumed that users will be able to adjust the number of participants, schedule games, create filters, send invitations, determine the types of matches, conditions for winning, the principle of scoring and much more.

As conceived by the platform holder, the internal tournament system The PlayStation 5 should suit both casual users interested in small games with friends and large third-party companies that can organize their own big events.

Of course, it must be remembered that, as with any other patents, the full or partial implementation of the system described in the document remains open to question. Sony may abandon the idea or make significant adjustments to it.

Earlier it was reported that Sony bought out the EVO fighting tournament

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