When seemingly steamer mass hysteria about the good old past began to hide behind the horizon, its wake brought Small Radios, Big Televisions. Prototype adventure quickly found its audience and attracted the attention of prominent publishers. B

ut sometimes skillfully selected focus – in this case, the operation of light melancholy people of old times – is not enough.

In Small Radios, Big Televisions have some definite plus. Firstly, she has completed in its elegant simplicity. The standard for the genre management exposition on the mouse (plus key “M” card) plus a colorful, simple design – the next correct move made by developers.

For whatever reason, this game does not not come out exactly as the first minutes it becomes clear that everything else would just hurt her, did not go and generally spoiled.

Secondly, it is that really there to hide, very stylish. If you think about what word would succinctly express approach Fire Face to the child, the person comes to my mind another option – “retrofetishizm”.

The overall aesthetic spirit of the game specific and fission, but it is dynamic; sometimes changing gaming environment are key moments for the progress. At a certain stage, changes are taking place even in the management and form. It does not introduce any fundamentally different sensations from passing, but a little “refreshing” the game.

Thirdly, Small Radios, Big Televisions have optimal – again, for a particular final product “as is” – balance complexity and entertainment component.

You start to play immediately, without prompting and guiding beacons. At first, this approach can be confusing, but it’s one of those cases where the fun, even just randomly knock on all the doors open in an attempt to pass on.

However, after a thorough study of the mechanics of the game and realizing that everything around it is necessary to look closely, the passage of the process is already beginning to disappoint.

After the second level of the game seemed to give up. She does not want to seem different and challenging, and further research becomes inert factory.

Bektreking more annoying, background sound already frankly boring … Of course, happen and the “moment of clarity”, but they were not enough to get rid of the feeling that you as a player scored frankly.

Everything else, Small Radios, Big Televisions and more blatantly trying to deceive you. Once you get used to having surrounded essential hints, and then there are images or inscriptions which frankly misleading.

And it would be understandable if these “dummy” were introduced to the atmosphere if they had some kind of context … And here we encounter the fundamental problem of the game.

In a brief description Small Radios, Big Televisions have question-and-hook: “Can you find a way out or find out what happened here?” I hasten to disappoint you: in the second question the answer is only one – not. But do not worry, it’s not your fault.

Detective line, which hinted developers, implies a certain scenario. Formally, it is present in the game as greatly distorted records of negotiations between two people.

One well-known Russian journalist ( Sokolov-Mitrich, to be specific – ed.. ) Once said that the history of the surplus value is in a new sense.

In the plot Small Radios, Big Televisions, both in the history of the ruins and the gradual destruction of the factories, not that new – in general no sense.

It is absolutely incomprehensible that connects the main character with the place; what it is doing the way out; who are the people whose voices can be heard in the films; why all these inscriptions in the spirit of “no solution” and “I saw him!” and the list goes on.

We are dealing with a heap of not having the value of information and, at the same time, the lack of it, and because of this game resembles a puzzle with not related to each other levels. It would seem, why not, this format has the right to be: go to any site of flash games, and you just drown in a stream of such taymkillerov.

But the game has a claim on the investigation, which is actually not implemented, and because of this, the final product is falling apart. A similar problem was and Niko: Through the Dream – and beautiful, and even interesting, but why?

All the two hours that I spent in the “Small Radios, Big Televisions”, to me, in principle, it was fun. I even slightly touched the tape and jamming effects film. But in the end there was not a tide of nostalgia, nor aesthetic pleasure, only a slight irritation and dumb question: “So what?”.