Scientists first showed the surface of the Sun with maximum approximation

The network has the most detailed image of the surface of the Sun in the entire history of observing it. Pictures were published by the National Science Foundation (NSF) of the United States.

New shots were taken by the Hawaiian Solar Telescope Daniel Inouye (NSF’s Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope). According to, according to astronomers, these are the most accurate and detailed photographs of the surface of the Sun of all ever taken. It is worth noting that the images show an amazing level of the structure of the star, hidden in the seething plasma outside. As you can see, the surface of the Sun is covered with granular structures similar to gold nuggets.

It is worth noting that this level of detail on the surface of the Sun will help scientists study the star and its behavior in more detail. In addition, astronomers will more accurately be able to predict the solar activity cycle, whose magnetic eruptions can affect terrestrial air travel, satellite communications, and even disable power systems. Thanks to Daniel Inoue’s solar telescope, scientists will continue to measure and study the solar corona. Now they don’t even have to wait for this total solar eclipse. Scientists are also going to map the surface of the Sun and its atmospheric magnetic fields.

According to, the researchers plan in 2023 to come to a clearer understanding of the Sun. Scientists note that they cannot learn to predict solar activity overnight. However, over time, the telescope will help to accumulate all the necessary knowledge about the Sun.