A convulsively shaking patient with a coronavirus was photographed

A new video appeared on the network in which it was possible to photograph the attack of one of the victims of the coronavirus. The video was shot in one of the Chinese hospitals.

In the video, laid out for public access to the network, they showed how a helpless person infected with a terrible coronavirus shakes convulsively in a hospital bed. According to Gamebomb.ru, the video shows how one woman holds the head of a patient whose shaking body is covered with a blanket. In the video, you can also see other visitors to the hospital. They all wear face masks and watch the patient lying on the bed shake. It is worth noting that according to the latest data, 56 people have already died from the coronavirus.


It is reported that the hospitals in Wuhan, the city in which the killer virus was first detected, are crowded, and local residents have to wait in line for several days to be examined by doctors. According to one woman, she had to stand in line all last week only so that her husband would be examined for the presence of a coronavirus. It is also worth noting that in the city of Wuhan, which has been completely closed, a new hospital is already under construction, which will accommodate all patients with this virus. In total, this coronavirus has already been diagnosed in more than 2 thousand people. Moreover, the disease also spreads a little across the planet.

According to Gamebomb.ru, other cities have begun to close due to the outbreak of coronavirus in China, and public transport is already closed in 18 settlements. It is noted that this virus is transmitted from person to person, because it spreads so quickly.