Former roster player forZe by Rainbow Six Siege Artem Shockwave Simakov spoke about the transition to, features of the training process and expectations from the upcoming season. In an interview with, he also explained why he considers Rainbow Six Siege to be a more complicated game than CS: GO.
– Tell me how you got into How did the negotiations go? How long have you doubted whether it is worth moving on?
– Negotiations have been going on for some time, but here it is more likely not between us, but between organizations. We decided pretty quickly – it’s still VP, kamon! It was easy.
Artem Shockwave Simakov | Photo:
– What will change for your staff after moving to another organization?
– More motivation will appear, because we represent such an organization as We will begin to train even more, although we already train quite a lot. will help us with bootcamps. It charges with motivation – you need to justify the trust placed on us.
– In almost all past interviews, you said that you train almost eight hours a day. Is this really so?
– Yes. We play two practices a day. One practice consists of three cards and lasts an average of four hours. If you add up, it will be just eight to nine hours a day. It happens even ten, because sometimes in one practice there are not three cards, but four.
– Discipline R6 is not so popular in the CIS. What do you think this is connected with?
– This is a difficult question. It’s probably better to ask Ubisoft. Perhaps the game is being advertised incorrectly. In the CIS, for the most part, they love Dota 2 and CS: GO, although many people know the Rainbow. The game has a fairly high entry threshold – it is much more complicated than CS: GO, and DotA too.
In CS: GO, sound comes only on the left or on the right, and in the Rainbow it can go through the floor, through openings in the wall, through windows. It is very difficult for a beginner to deal with sound. There is a punch-hole – this is when you hit your elbow against the wall, and a hole appears there. Some people thought of making holes with bullets – you make one shot at the wall, and a small hole appears through which you can look. At the same time, from afar it is not visible at all. Rainbow has a lot of details that you need to know, a lot of chips, so for beginners it is very difficult. Maybe this is somehow connected with why people don’t really like it, although the popularity of the game is growing.
– Is it possible to somehow ease the entrance to the game for the audience?
– It is necessary to adjust the actions of the observer. In Pro League, the observer is already experienced, but in the CIS he still needs to learn. It seems to me that tactical mode is a very good thing, because in the Rainbow there is a preparation phase (lasts 45 seconds), and you can see who does what, where it leaves the drones, what generally happens on the map. Then you can switch to the action itself – to shoot and so on.
“How do I get to know Rainbow Six Siege?” Go play it yourself or is it better to watch someone’s matches?
– I think it’s best to go in and try to run a couple of “anti-terror”, just to understand what the essence of the game is. Then, when you’ll figure it out, it’s worth watching a couple of matches on the Pro League and seeing how people behave in the game, and starting from that.
– How does Siege live in a coronavirus?
– I think, like the other disciplines. Most championships go online, and already scheduled LAN tournaments are canceled. Dota 2 was supposed to have The International in August, and we had to have a major in August, but it was also canceled.
ForZe Players at Six Major Raleigh 2019 | Photo:
– How playable is Siege online?
– You can play if there is no huge difference in ping. Here, as in CS: GO, ping is very decisive. From my own experience, I would say that Rainbow on LAN and Rainbow online are two different games. When you have ping 40 and ping 1, these are two different games. At ping 1, the game is generally divine, so LAN always plays perfectly. Online is acceptable too.
– Which team can objectively be considered the best in R6 now?
– Probably the one that won the analogue of The International, only here it is called Invitational. This is probably Spacestation Gaming from America, because she won it last.
– How do you explain that in the CIS there are also many strong teams – NAVI, Empire, you? Do our players have any special talent for Rainbow Six?
– I think yes. There are two Russian teams in Europe, and I think this is very cool. True, in NAVI players are not from the CIS, although the organization is from the CIS. We and Empire – all Russians, however, the Estonian plays at the “Empire” …
– What goals does the organization set for you? What are your goals as a team? What can we expect from the new VP?
– We have plans to break into the new season of Pro League – it will be announced on May 20. You need to take a place at least in the top 2, because last season we failed a little in the first half, but, having made one substitution in the lineup and slightly changed our playing style, we successfully performed in the second half and took the top 5. If you look at the standings in Europe, then all the teams were close to each other. If we won one game, we would rise to second place, but we lost and won the top 5.
– What do you expect from Siege as an e-sports discipline and in what direction is the game developing now?
– If we talk about the transition to a shareware model, then to some extent this is a good idea, but you should be well prepared for this. There will be a large influx of cheaters, most likely an influx of smurf accounts with which developers are trying to fight. As for the esports scene – I think that on May 20 we will see something new, something good, and this will bring a very good contribution to the e-sports scene of the Rainbow. Actually, everything is already going pretty well, but on May 20, I think, they will tell us a little more about this, and the developers will breathe new life into the Rainbow.
– How big is the problem with cheaters in R6?
– Siege has a problem with cheaters, but the developers put a lot of emphasis on fighting them. Cheaters seem to float in seasons: in a certain season there are few of them, but in a certain many.
– Finally, do you want to say something to the fans?
– Support us, support VP, and together we will lead VP to victory.
On May 16, it became known that bought the forZe team for Rainbow Six Siege. The first tournament of the players under the new tag will be the Russian Major League Season 4, which will be held on May 23 and 24. Read more about the transfer of the composition here.