Preparing to Land: Sony Reveals Final Trailer for Returnal, the Ambitious New PlayStation 5 Exclusive

Company Sony Interactive Entertainment and Finnish studio Housemarque presented the final trailer for the experimental action Returnal – the next big exclusive next generation console Playstation 5… The dynamic video demonstrates both story segments and explosive scenes of battles with opponents.

You can see the video just below:

Plot Returnal tells about an astronaut Selenethat crashed on a mysterious and dangerous planet. In an attempt to uncover the secret of an inhospitable world Atroposa the heroine realizes the frightening reality of her position – she was literally trapped in an inextricable loop of time.

With regard to the gameplay Returnal focuses on super-fast third-person gameplay with elements of “bagels“, where players have to fight enemies, collect new equipment, and gradually move deeper and deeper through the locations, facing new difficulties and obstacles.

Worldwide premiere Returnal will take place already April 30th only for Playstation 5… Journalists who have already tried the trial version of the game they praise her very much

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