Persona 5 Royal’s western release partially censored after developers blame homophobia

Recently, representatives of the Western specialized press were able to get acquainted with several hours of a localized version of the role-playing game. Persona 5 royal from company Atlus, which is augmented and improved reissue of the original hit, released in 2017. Last night, various publications published lengthy previews of the upcoming project, in which they talked about all the innovations and differences that brought with them royal edition Persona 5. In addition to describing a variety of gameplay mechanics and plot scenes, the press also spoke in more detail about the new version of the translation of the game into English, in which, as it turned out, several episodes were subjected to certain censorship.

It’s about the scenes where protagonist encounters two pretentious men who show serious interest in his friend Ryuji Sakamoto. Through not the most cunning manipulations, young people flee from an unwanted company. Later, the paths of these characters intersect again, and the sketch ends in an approximately identical way. The described sketches are presented exclusively in a comedy form, beat the humorous clichés and stereotypes habitual for the genre and have no significance for the global plot, however some users found them offensive and homophobic. Especially developers criticized and blamed on the forums Resetet.

Persona 5 - Ryuji Dragged by Homos in Shinjuku Scene! HQ

Having listened to criticism, Atlus’s US branch sent a request to the Japanese office to allow translators to adapt the “problem” episodes. Thus, in localization we tried to smooth the corners, in some way changing the context of the dialogs..

What exactly are the edits and how they affect the perception of the sections mentioned is not specified. At the same time, representatives Atlus USA, note that they are happy with the result. They sincerely hope that now fans will not experience unwanted discomfort.

It is important to note that from a technical point of view “homophobic“the scenes will remain in the game in their original form, censorship will touch only a couple of lines of dialogs. In the Japanese version, the comedic moments with a homosexual couple have not undergone absolutely no changes.

Last year, the Western version of another popular Atlus title turned out to be in a similar situation, namely the story puzzle Catherine: full body. In the case of this game, translators also had to adjust certain parts of the text, trying to avoid “transophobic” remarks towards one of the characters.

Persona 5 Royal in Japan took place on October 31 last year only on the PlayStation 4. The western release is expected on March 31.

Read also: “Do not lose hope, continue to write to us about your desires” – Atlus spoke about Persona 5 on the Nintendo Switch.

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