British team Splash damage announced the signing of an agreement with Google to develop an exclusive project for the cloud gaming platform Stadia. The studio is known for creating …
03/23/2020 23:38 If the video does not play1. Basic: Update your browser and install the latest version of Adobe Flash Player.2. Try logging in through a different browser.3. Disable …
Flagship VR title finally released today Half-Life: Alyx from company Valve, concurrently being the first major release in the legendary series since 2007. Obviously, such a large pause between …
Tyler McVicker, author of the popular YouTube channel Valve news network, who specializes in rumors and leaks around Valve and her projects, shared the details he knew during a …
Simultaneously with release Half-Life: Alyx a couple of hours ago the embargo on adventure review ended. Critics were delighted with the news, not hesitating to use high-profile phrases such …
On the official website of an American company HP appeared page with a teaser image and a brief description of the new virtual reality device. According to the information …
Publishing house Ubisoft introduced the trailer for a new update for the game Ghost recon: breakpointwhich is dedicated to crossover with Splinter cell. Chapter Fourth tier Sam Fisher collaborates …
Hardcore fans Resident evil know that almost every game in the series is somehow possible to go through using only one knife, and the upcoming remake Resident evil 3 …
Alexander Kuzmenkov introduced cosplay on Royce from the game Cyberpunk 2077 from CD Projekt RED. He took the image of the character from the demo video of the developers …
After the seed last week, Ubisoft introduced a full-fledged trailer for “Conspiracy” – a crossover Ghost recon breakpoint with sam fisher from Splinter cell. The head of the “Fourth …