The Polish Sejm refused to fund weekly coronavirus tests for doctors and health workers. But the studio took over the payment of free testing of ambulance staff of Wroclaw …
Producer Capcom Yoshinori Ono open to opportunities to release games from the series Street fighter on the Nintendo switch. This was the Japanese developer said in an interview with …
We continue to share the best domestic cosplay. Jennifer Morgan – DC Comics Comic book universe DC gave rise to many bright characters, but most of them remain in …
Ambitious studio The initiative continues to replenish its ranks. Today to the team led by the former head Crystal Dynamics by Darrell Galaharjoined Sylvia Chambers. Previously, the girl managed …
Studio Respawn entertainment announced the fifth season of the royal battle Apex legends starts on May 12, a week later than the planned date. The developers made this decision …
Publishing house KK Softworks released the first gameplay trailer for role-playing action with elements of a bagel She will punish them from studio L2 Game Studio. The video shows …
Simulator developers of a high security prison construction and management Prison architect announced a new free add-on – Cleared for transfer. His release will take place on May 14th. …
In this difficult time of the coronavirus pandemic, when millions of people around the world have to stay at home in isolation almost all the time, every day seems …
A new collaboration was announced by two Polish studios: Bloober team and Platige image. Wizards of 3D animation and special effects will help Krakow developers with high-tech animation. So …
Shooter director Overwatch Jeff Kaplan recorded another video with a story about innovations in the game. This issue was unusual, because Jeff, like other employees Blizzard, stays at home. …