In the new version Telegram for iOS, the expected video calling feature has appeared. True, it is still available in test mode and needs manual activation. To enable it, …
To learn a little more about how it was created Ghost of tsushima and what was behind it, we offer you a translation of the interview Eurogamer… Co-founder and …
Perhaps one of the most memorable moments Mafia: The City of Lost Heaven, released in 2002, is an episode of a car race in which the main character participates …
PlatinumGames and First 4 Figures intend to release collectible slasher pistols Bayonetta… The novelty is timed to coincide with the tenth anniversary of the first part of the game. …
Debut Shooter Gameplay Demo Halo infinite has entailed endless discussions on a wide variety of social platforms. The main reason for the controversy is the uneven, according to many …
Circulation Batman: Arkham City exceeded 12.5 million copies. At the same time, the game earned more than $ 600 million. This information discovered on the LinkedIn-Page of Michael Elkind, …
A 13-minute recording of the gameplay of the space shooter appeared on the network Star Wars: Squadrons with impressions Jack “jackfrags” Mason, who said that the game was able …
In May the company Sabrent unveiled the world’s first SSD in the M.2 form factor with a capacity of 8 TB and support for the NVMe protocol. Now it …
A complete variety of cosplay: from long-familiar characters to the most unexpected images. Lyralei – Dota 2 Cosplay by Dota 2, like the community of its players itself, is …
As it appears, Xiaomi preparing a new reader Mi Ebook Reader with a screen on electronic ink. The device is listed on the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) website. …