Only 8% of Mass Effect players chose the apostate path – review

Many players probably know the moral system in the games in the series. Mass effectwhen, for good or bad words or actions, the character received a certain amount of hero or apostate points.

Later, the reputation of the protagonist allowed you to pump certain skills to the maximum level, as was the first part, or open additional options in the dialogs.

how told John Ebenger who worked at Bioware over mass effect and Dragon ageand later over Assassin’s creed odyssey in Ubisoft and Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order in Respawn, 92% of Mass Effect players chose a hero path.

This is somewhat frustrating for the designer, as the developers put a lot of work into the apostate branch, but few people saw this content.

In the comments, users notedthat the apostate’s path seems pointless because the hero’s methods always work with virtually no consequences. In addition, it’s hard for some people to play as a villain, because after that they feel bad and lose the pleasure of the game.
Finally, users notedthat in the first two parts the moral system encouraged players to adhere exclusively to the path of a hero or an apostate. The developers tried to solve this problem in Mass effect 3, where players received one reputation scale, which was influenced by the hero and apostate points.

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