Nothing lasts forever: Sony Corporation changed its name, but almost no one noticed it

What might have seemed like an April Fool’s joke, in fact it turned out to be true. For the first time in 60 years the company Sony changed its name. Starting from April 1, 2023, instead of Sony Corporation should speak Sony Group Corporation, as reported on the corporate website.

At the same time, the name Sony Corporation remained, but its essence has changed – from now on it is a conglomerate of the following companies belonging to the group: Sony Electronics Corporation, Sony Imaging Products & Solutions Inc., Sony Home Entertainment & Sound Products Inc. and Sony Mobile Communications Inc

According to the agency “Kyodo“, the name change is a consequence of diversification, that is, a significant expansion of the range of products, which in turn required a certain reorganization and optimization of the company’s activities.

For ordinary people, this may serve as a sign that Sony will continue to rely on the diversity of its products, which includes not only household appliances, movie cameras, camcorders and cameras, but, of course, game consoles, virtual reality glasses, as well as the production of films, TV series and cartoons.

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