New PlayStation 5 update boosts game frame rates

On September 15, Sony released new firmware for Playstation 5adding expected new features like support for an internal SSD expansion slot, but it looks like the update notes didn’t quite tell the whole story.

According to a new report, the update also boosted PS5 performance, boosting frame rates by about 2-3% (1-2 FPS) in games such as Control and Devil May Cry V: Special Edition (and probably others too).

The moment has been revealed Digital foundrywhen they were comparing the old and new revisions of the PS5. During the review, experts found that the original console performed slightly better. Obviously, this would infuriate users, but later DF found the reason for the discrepancy – their first revision PS5 had the latest beta version of the firmware installed, which provided a slight increase in frame rate. Last week Sony included it in the latest update for all PS5 owners, so now both revisions of the console work the same.

The increase in FPS, conclude Digital Foundry, will not be noticeable during normal use of the console, but in any case, it is interesting to see that Sony can almost increase the performance of the PlayStation 5 at the software level. How exactly the company achieved this is not known exactly. The SDK may have been optimized, GPU drivers updated, or something else.

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