New Batman apologizes to furious haters

Actor Robert Pattinson, who plays Bruce Wayne in the new Batman movie DC Comics, after several controversial statements about his character, he decided to apologize to those superhero fans whom he touched in his own words.

The famous actor Robert Pattinson, whose career is experiencing a rise in recent years, was selected for the lead role in the new movie “Batman”, which not all fans of this hero liked. According to, later Pattinson also caused bewilderment of fans, saying in an interview that he agreed to play Batman only because he is not a hero. After Robert Pattinson found out that he had offended many fans in his own words, the actor decided to make a public apology to fans of Batman.

In a new interview, Robert Pattinson was directly asked if he regrets his words about Batman, which offended many fans. To this, Pattinson said that at that time he was not sufficiently aware of how important the comic book characters were to the fans. Therefore, the actor did not expect that many people would be angry with his remark, and this is still strange for him. Pattinson noted that he still does not fully understand the essence, but admitted that “Batman is a superhero,” and apologized for his past statements. The actor himself joked that perhaps he said something wrong again and now will offend the other half of Bruce Wayne fans.

Robert Pattinson must play Batman in several planned films at once, and the director wants to show Bruce Wayne primarily as a detective, on which the previous adaptations with Christian Bale and Ben Affleck focused little. Pattinson himself, appearing in public, until he looks pumped up, as many fans expected, and many are surprised at this.

The shooting of the new movie “Batman” started recently, as reported by the director of the future trilogy Matt Reeves (Matt Reeves). According to, so far there are no official shots from the new “Batman” in the network, not counting a few shots from the set. The release date of the painting is scheduled for June 2023.