Most Beautiful Independent Game of 2023: Maid of Sker Review

The European Gothic novel is a great source of inspiration, and it’s not just about the overused. “Frankenstein” or “Dracula”. Much less noticeable works boast a dark atmosphere and an interesting plot.

New project from Wales Interactive invites you to plunge into the decadence of the late 19th century with pirates, bloody rituals and supernatural secrets that cover the territory of the old house.

Having received a letter crying for help, the main character Maid of sker goes to the rescue of the beloved Skersky maiden, who, under the yoke of an oppressive father and uncle, languishes within the walls of an old mansion.

Examining the territory of a seemingly abandoned place, the young man learns more and more secrets of the ancient Williams family and a breathtaking musical composition that enslaves the mind and drives people crazy.

Maid of Sker invites you to independently explore the old hotel and its surroundings in search of notes, clues and key items needed to save your girlfriend.

As you move through the halls and rooms, you find short passages through the reclining ventilation grilles or open quick routes by throwing the latch off the locked door.

Visually distinct from the rest, the carved doors offer a safe space in which to save progress and listen to recordings that shed light on the owners’ dark past.

In addition to collecting collectible ballerina figurines and floor plans, you have to find keys to locked doors and solve simple puzzles, most of which boil down to the correct pressing of button combinations based on the prompts presented.

Another frequent game mechanic is the sequential activation of electric shields to unlock an important door in the story.

It is pleasant to note that almost all tasks are quite intuitive and do not require any special mental stress.