Michael Packter isn’t afraid to talk about what’s on his mind. In the last episode of his show Pachter factor on the SIFTD Games he criticized Sony in ignorance E3 2023…
The analyst noted that the companies were advised to ditch the exhibition for the $ 20 million it would save on presentations, and in most cases that makes sense. However, it’s impossible to buy the hype caused by showing your games at E3 for that amount.
Pakter calls the company’s strategy stupid and unsuccessful, because the focus of fans in one place is priceless. Probably every gamer misses Sony’s press conferences. They were always delicious and had a lot of surprises. The publisher hired a number of experts who set the pace of the event and knew when to show a fantastic video and impress viewers.
To summarize, Pakter called Sony employees “the biggest losers of the event” for not attending.
The analyst’s argument for Sony can be heard at around 6:50.
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