Life is Strange: Before the Storm Episode 2

A happy world , that’s how the original title has been translated into Spanish: ” Brave New World ” that is proposed for this second episode. Choosing such a word game could be a coincidence or a small reference to the work with the same


name by Aldous Huxley. While both stories do not have too many parallels, it could be the same ironic statement that the British writer used to describe the dystopian and pessimistic vision of the future that embodied in his famous nov


el. A dystopia that begins to reflect in the lives of Chloe and Rachel after the shocking events that occurred at the end of the first episode .

This second chapter takes over from the story just the morning after they left it, something necessary to explain the first consequences of what happened. Despite having a somewhat slow start , the plot immediately picks up pace and important changes be


gin to happen in Chloe’s life . Despite this, she does not sink thanks to the friendship of Rachel Amber, becoming increasingly clear that their relat


ionship goes much further. We can enjoy much more intimate scenes between the protagonists, in which they transmit both their weakne


sses and their strengths. We can know them better and at a much deeper level of life even in the first Life is Strange. This detail is increased by the internal monologues that Chloe has, in which she lets us know what she thinks and feels.

In addition, throughout the episode will occur important scenes in which we will see more developed the plot of other secondary characters , some of which must face major dangers in which our protagonist can decide whether to intervene o


r not. We will also know for the first time others with an important weight in the plot and one in particular who did not get to face in the original Life is Strange but is nevertheless key and guilty of much of the fateful events.

Life is Strange (PS4) screenshot

Sweet insolence

Mechanical views are kept in the first episode, as the challenges of insolence or dialectical duels that we can face by choice if we wa


nt to intimidate, inconvenience or get something from someone. In them we must give a response as eloquent as possible between the options presented, according to the last thing that our “opponent” has told us. The time we have to do it is reduce


d and although finding out the correct replica is not too difficult, in this episode the number of possible failures that we h


ave is reduced. For example, in one of the challenges we face, we will have to give five precise answers while our rival will only win with one of our mistakes.

As for the puzzles , their level is quite basic but still they are varied in interesting to promote the exploration of the scenarios, reading documents carefully, engaging in conversation with the other characters and so on. To put a couple of examples, on one o


ccasion we must find the key to the padlock that closes a trunk. To unlock it, we must search the room for different number combinations and try to fi


nd the solution. Again we must enter a certain building but for this we will need the keys to the door. In order to achieve them we have to distract those who are close by, following a series of steps that we can find out with the help of our ingenuity and to observe the environment well.

Doing these actions well, in addition to allowing us to continue with the main plot, will also free us spaces where we release the art we carry inside in the


form of drawings and hooligan writings thanks to our permanent marker. By doing these graffiti we will unlock various achievements and trophies of the game .

In addition, as you already know, conversations are the most important part in the development of this narrative adventure, where our decisions at certain moments will mark the course of history. From small details that will only vary som


e lines of dialogue to actions that will produce very interesting scenes. We have the power in our hands and in this second chapter there will be some conversations and decisive actions.

Life is Strange (PS4) screenshot

We must also mention the fact that not having the rewinding powers that we had in Life is Strange, all these key moments become much more intense, because if we make mistakes we can not rectify. However, they are com


pensated by scenes of calm in which we can take the time we want to investigate, talk with others or walk through the stages, some of which are new, others are already known and some of these are extended and they let us


visit areas that we did not see when we first visited them. This achieves a perfect balance between tension and calm , with moments in which w


e can sit literally to listen to our inner thoughts andenjoy the fabulous indie rock soundtrack , which also appears at key moments to give the scenes the depth they deserve.

Highway to Hell

Failing to know the outcome of the story in the third and final chapter that will be called “Hell is empty”, the reference of which we wi


ll find when playing this second episode, in this knot that supposes the intermediate chapter we have been able to see where the story will go. Those of us who play the first title can imagine how the matter will end, a sad outcome that as we take love to the characters will be much harder to cope with. Still, the way there still leaves question


s whose answer we want to know and threads that must be united to allow us to know the whole plot that they have built for this Before the Storm. There are also several secondary characters in the air who in this prequel are having great weight and do not appe


ar in Life is Strange. Check if there will be reasons for your subsequent absence or if they will leave it in the air and will not give it more importance.

We emphasize how good it looks Arcadia Bay and the various characters thanks to the brilliant graphic section. Despite not being


extremely detailed, the faces of our protagonists maintain a unique and special style and if we combine them with the great work of the actresses and actors who give them a voice we obtain profiles rich in nuances that will make us empathize, especially with Rachel and Chloe. In addition, the change of engine from Unreal 3 to Unity helps increase fluidity and performance.

In this second episode we will see more humor than in the first, with situations and conversations that will get more than a laugh. Another interesting detail is the conversations by mobile that maintains Chloe with its close friends, which are very well taken to transmit the young and rebellious spirit of Price and to contribute of excellent form a great naturalness.