Let the rink finish – the PS4 fan got into an unpleasant situation, deciding to play Apex Legends at the airport

Bored at the Portland International Airport, the gamer decided to pass the time playing in Apex legendsby connecting your own Playstation 4 to one of the many monitors. Only later did he learn that it was strictly forbidden.

Such monitors often display information about which flights arrive and depart, some provide general information, while others are filled with advertising or useful tips. On the screen that the player decided to connect to, a detailed map of Portland International Airport in Oregon was displayed.

In the midst of a game match, airport employees approached the user and asked him to disconnect the console from the monitor. In response to the request, the gamer politely agreed, but asked to let him finish the game. However, as the representative of Port of Portland said Kama Symonds in the commentary of the radio station Kxl, the employees’ response was negative, as the actions of the PS4 owner were regarded as hacking.

The gamers were simply released and asked not to do so anymore.

“We provide people with sockets for charging gadgets, but the use of monitors is out of the question.”

Read our review of the royal battle of Apex Legends. here.

Read also: An amazing case – a gamer saved her friend’s life at a distance of 8,000 kilometers.

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