It’s not over yet: Insiders announced the imminent expansion of Microsoft’s gaming department with new studios

Internet podcast hosts XboxEra, previously noted for reliable data on a number of upcoming announcements, shared interesting information. According to the conversations they hear, Microsoft plans to acquire more in the foreseeable future “at least two studios

It is noted that the merger with ZeniMax Media – this is the biggest deal ever made by an American corporation, but followed by Microsoft should take over several more development teams, raising the total number of internal teams to 25

Unfortunately, the insiders did not announce any exact names and titles, leaving viewers to guess about potential partners. Microsoft

Commands right now Xbox Game Studios are actively working on projects for next generation consoles Xbox series s and Xbox series x, the launch of which should take place on November 10.

See also: Changed their minds: Programmers of id Software, criticized the Xbox Series S, decided to delete their negative messages

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