It turns out that Chromie from World of Warcraft is a transgender character – Igromania

Recently Blizzard released a book World of Warcraft: Folks & Fairy Tales – a collection of fairy tales about the heroes of the universe World of warcraft… The stories for the collection were written by Steve Denuser, Christie Golden, Cami Garcia, Allison Irons and other authors.

Denuzer’s Visage Day tale tells about an important moment in the life of every dragon: the choice of the mortal form in which they spend most of their time. Any of the dragons can decide what it will look like. And the dragon Chronormu chose the appearance of a dwarf named Chromie. When asked why the choice fell on the female gender, he / she replied simply: “That suits me“.

It is worth mentioning that the “male” ending of the name Chronormu has long attracted the attention of players. And now it is officially recognized: the lead story designer has admitted that Chromie has changed gender for her mortal appearance.

Before the ceremony, Chronorm was addressed through “he”, after which the pronoun was changed to “she”. Danuser confirmedthat this was done on purpose.

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