Instead, The Elder Scrolls 6 showed a new sequel to Skyrim with a release date

Instead of the hotly anticipated game The Elder Scrolls 6, the developers of the new action game The Elder Scrolls: Apotheosis shared with fans the latest news about their project, showed a new trailer and announced the approximate release date.

The Apotheosis Team development team announced the transition of The Elder Scrolls: Apotheosis, a global large-scale mod for TES V: Skyrim, to the final stage, reports. The game is already completely playable from start to finish. The developers completed the creation of all 16 plans of Oblivion. These are different worlds, each of which is unique in its visual style, demons and other creatures inhabiting it, as well as other features. Each plan is controlled by the Daedric Prince. Developers of The Elder Scrolls: Apotheosis 17 princes. All of them can be found in the game. The creators of the project are not yet ready to give an exact release date, but claim that it’s not long to wait until the release. Exit will definitely take place in 2023.

In the latest video of the Apotheosis mod for The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim, the developers showed different worlds, reports. Players can see for themselves how very different some of Oblivion’s plans are. The developers assured that the project is playable and it is completely passable. However, they still need time for polishing it, additional filling for each world, the introduction of new weapons and other details. In addition, they select actors to complete the voice acting of The Elder Scrolls: Apotheosis. They worked on the project for more than two years, but are now close to its completion.

Company Bethesda still doesn’t reveal any details about the expected game The elder scrolls 6although almost 2 years have passed since the announcement. Pending the release of TES 6, franchise fans are looking for new ways to enjoy their beloved world. One of them will be the large-scale project The Elder Scrolls: Apotheosis.