In the MMO The Cycle started the third season – review

Studio Yager announced the start of the third season in its online sci-fi action movie The cycle. The new season is called Stormchasers, and his main innovation was the new hub for Prospect Station players.

The new common space station is located in the orbit of the planet Fortune 3. Its visitors can get fresh missions, chat with other players, do crafts, prepare for the assignment and find a ton of other activities. This will allow less time to spend on the menu, and more – in the company.

During the third season, players will be able to take on a new contract and take part in battles on the Muggle train. In the process of completing missions, they will unlock two new unique seekers and open many prizes on the Fortune ticket.

Over fifty season awards will be free, and over 150 different prizes will open to pass customers. In addition, until July 22, everyone can get a free starter kit Rogue Starter Pack in the shop Epic games. Its usual price is 999 rubles.

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