id Software developed a port of Super Mario Bros. 3 for PC – now the demo is kept in the museum

In the 1990s id Software took over the transfer Super Mario Bros. 3 on the PC… The founders of the studio planned to develop an official port, but Nintendo rejected the idea, and ultimately created John Carmack technology responsible for smooth scrolling of the game on NES, formed the basis Commander Keen in Invasion of the Vorticons

Some years ago John Romero posted footage of the SMB3 prototype, and a recently created demo in a week was found on floppy disk among a collection of materials donated to the museum by an unnamed developer.

According to the curator Andrew Bormann, the person did not work on the project, but that did not stop him from donating the game to the museum. Bormann validated the demo and also made a digital copy to preserve the material for future generations.

The demonstration is now housed at The Strong National Museum of Play in New York. Upon request from Super Mario Bros. 3 for PC can be played through DOSBox, although the museum has no plans to show the demo to the general public at this time.

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