Ilyas illias Ganeev stated that in the future he would like to become a team captain in Dota 2. In an interview Yane b2ru Khimchenko he also talked about joining the roster Natus vincere and how to get into eSports. The videos were posted on the club’s channel on YouTube.
About the desire to become a captain
“So far, our team does not really need another captain. We have Zayacwho fulfills this duty along with 9pasha. I am gaining experience from them, watching how this all happens. In the future, when something is possible with us, perhaps, I can become one. But now I’m not ready for this. <...> In the future – I think, yes, [я хотел бы стать капитаном].
Firstly, there are not many captains. Secondly, it is a huge duty and responsibility. If you have a captain, then it will be easier to play, because there are very few of them in the CIS. ”
How to get into eSports
“Guide, how to get into e-sports, no. To get into eSports, being a no-name, you need to have a lot of rating. When you have a lot of rating, you come across good games with good players. They notice you. If you show a good result, they look at you. Game after game, someone you already liked, someone considers you a good player – calls for tests in some more or less [хорошие] teams. “
About how I got into NAVI
“This, it seems, was before the second qualifications for the major. Then they called me a couple more guys from such more or less normal teams. At first they suggested that we simply talk about the future — as I think, I look at it — but something worked out and didn’t work out very well, somehow it got it. I sat in the half a kilt, thinking: “Again, no one called for the second qualification.” A couple of days later, they open “VKontakte” and there is a message from Andrei Chipenko <...> – offers to test in NAVI.
Initially, my name was only for one game day. And when my time came, we played one day of the Clanors – we won, it seems, five out of six KVs. And then my manager Igor wrote to me: “Let’s lose tomorrow.” I am like: “Wow, come on.” As a result, we played KV for two more days <...>“and after that they wrote to me that they would most likely leave me.”
Ganeev joined NAVI on November 22, 2019 – in the team he replaced Akbar SoNNeikO Butaeva. Together with the collective illias passed on DreamLeague Leipzig Majorwhere the composition took 9-12 place.
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