On April 14, the cartoon Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge was released – a new attempt to transfer the cult fighting game to TV screens. Previously, franchises already released animated films, but they all did not match the games. They did not have blood and fatality, and the setting of battles left much to be desired.
I watched Scorpion’s Revenge and am ready to answer the main question: did the authors manage to create the perfect cartoon for the fans? Spoiler – yes, but with serious reservations.
The key to the Mortal Kombat franchise has always been incredible cruelty. Torn hands, torn intestines and spines, cut off legs and so on – “Mortal Kombat” is clearly not suitable for impressionable people and small children (ha ha). But this applies only to games – there is simply no cruelty in films and cartoons. In both full-length films and the series, there is practically no blood, as in Defenders of the Earth or Journey Begins.
After watching Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge, I had the feeling that before starting work, Ed Boone himself approached the creators of the cartoon and said: “There must be so much cruelty that even I feel sick!” And the authors did it – the blood here pours literally oceans from everywhere. Almost no hero on the screen dies quickly – he will be sure to cut something off, break it, tear it off or blow it up. And all this is accompanied by gorgeous special effects similar to the X-Ray attacks from Mortal Kombat X or Mortal Kombat 11.
The staging of battles also did not disappoint. Heroes use tricks familiar from childhood, and the virtual operator captures the most juicy shots. Particularly brutal reprisals are demonstrated with a time dilation. Simply put: battles look amazing.
Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpion’s Revenge has huge problems with everything else. The original idea of the scriptwriters does not fit well into the timing (the cartoon takes two hours), and obviously I wanted to show a lot. Scorpio’s revenge, which is in the title of the cartoon, takes 30-40 minutes out of these two hours, not more.