Classic zombies have been around in the entertainment industry for a very long time. For several decades, these disgusting monsters appear in series, Hollywood films and low-cost films from independent directors. And they also enjoy great attention in video games, from a wide variety of genres: from action games and shooters to strategies. We have collected some of the most interesting zombie titles.
Resident evil
Most zombie titles mostly offer to destroy monsters. Sometimes the dead serve only as a decoration for the plot, but not in Stubbs the Zombie. In this game, the whole story is dedicated to one specific zombie – it is he who acts as the main character. The plot at the same time turned out to be very romantic, because the main goal is to find a surviving lover.
This is an old third-person action game, but it has enough interesting mechanics. For example, Stubbs can tear off his hand and send it to the ventilation shaft to catch enemies by surprise – at that moment the player will be able to control the limb. Well, Stubbs the Zombie is also remarkable for the fact that you have to eat brains in it, a lot of brains!
Dead island
Speaking of girls in bikinis and zombies, willy-nilly remember another unusual title on this subject – Lollipop Chainsaw. This is a third-person action game with hordes of the living dead as the main opponents. But the protagonist is not some brave warrior, but a pretty cheerleader Juliet in a miniskirt.
In terms of gameplay, the game resembles Devil May Cry, but with less emphasis on combos, with more emphasis on the main character. Watching how Juliet cleverly jumps around the arena and sawing a zombie with a chainsaw is not much comparable pleasure.
Dying light
Valve was one of the first companies to offer players a completely new zombie gameplay – fast and aggressive. In the vast majority of titles before Left 4 Dead, the dead were sluggish and mainly served as a means of intimidation, rather than a direct attack. In Left 4 Dead, they began to rush along the map like athletes on steroids, so the players, having taken control of the squad of survivors, had to not only shoot accurately, but also run fast.
Both parts of the game work in the same scenario. The company of users selects a chapter and makes its way through the location, destroying hordes of zombies. Among them, there are especially powerful mutants that can either jump far or grab people in a long tongue. By the way, in the match their role can be played not only by bots, but also by live users – the competitive mode has long supported the shooter in the Steam top.
World war z
Telltale Games’s The Walking Dead features a zombie apocalypse from a different angle than previous games in our selection. This is not an epic about the destruction of a crowd infected with a shotgun, but the story of ordinary people who were in the very center of the apocalypse, and their main task is not to kill everyone in a row, but to survive and save their loved ones.
The Walking Dead is more like an interactive movie than a classic game. Most of the time, the user monitors the cut scenes and the development of the plot, only occasionally taking a direct part in it through QTE. The cornerstone of the game is the moral dilemmas and choices that will have to be made many times in each chapter. It depends only on the user how the plot will develop and which characters will survive to the epilogue.
Zombie Army 4: Dead War
For a while, Dead Rising was one of Capcom’s key franchises and sold pretty well. But then something went wrong, and the series fell into decay – the continuation of the fourth part was not very long ago.
Dead Rising is a third-person action game in which the protagonist is the photographer Frank West, who finds himself in the center of a zombie apocalypse. The key feature of all games in the series is a lot of non-standard weapons that can kill the dead. For example, no one forbids attaching two chainsaws to an ordinary mop on tape, or fastening circular disks to a motorcycle, or stuffing a cart from a supermarket with knives … You can continue for a long time.
The Killing Floor series emerged from a simple modification for Unreal Tournament. Its authors managed to captivate users with an extensive arsenal, dynamic shootouts and boss battles under a peppy soundtrack. Thanks to the huge community, the appearance of the sequel was not long in coming.
The main thing that distinguishes Killing Floor 2 from its competitors is the huge amount of additional content that the authors continue to release to this day. However, even if you are not looking for a new game a year in advance, Killing Floor 2 is a great evening entertainment for friends.
The Evil Within and The Evil Within 2
A remake of the second part of Resident Evil was released in early 2018 and instantly became a real hit. Capcom succeeded in the impossible – to transfer the spirit of the game twenty years ago to the new hardware and introduce a third-party “alien” camera into it. So RE2 turned into a real horror with fancy graphics, interesting puzzles and a solid duration.
Everyone knows how good Resident Evil 2 Remake is, and if you have not tried it yet, then you can’t postpone your acquaintance anymore.
Resident evil 3 remake
The first and last PlayStation 4 exclusive in our selection. The plot of Days Gone is dedicated to an inveterate biker named Deacon St. John, who is trying to survive in the U.S. epidemic with his close friend Bukhara, and at the same time find his girlfriend, who managed to get out of the source of infection at the very last moment.
The game is a third-person action game with shooting zombies and exploring the open world. Not the last role in the life of the Deacon is played by his motorcycle – he is here a full-fledged second character who needs to be cherished and cherished. Otherwise, there is a risk of being stuck somewhere on the sidelines in the company of wolves, bears or zombies.
They are billions
The sequel State of Decay continued the ideas of the first part with the development of the settlement of survivors. In control, players are given a small detachment of poor fellows who managed to not catch a dangerous virus and not get into the teeth of zombies. They need to be delivered to a safe place, and then go in search of provisions and other resources that will help in arranging the base.
The gameplay of State of Decay 2 resembles a mixture of Resident Evil 4 and DayZ, but basically you’ll spend time with an endless grind of resources and experience points. Since pumping is slow here, it will take a long time to play – and this will certainly please many.
Plants vs. Zombies
Another bright and reckless zombie action. This time the scene was a huge amusement park filled with rides and a variety of zombies. The player as a simple cleaner must team up with other survivors and get out of the park.
In terms of gameplay, the game is a third-person action game with dynamic parkour, skirmishes, melee battles and pumping. The battles with zombies are arranged interestingly, largely due to the vast and unbanal arsenal.