Mobile devices are the most widespread and most profitable gaming platform with the worst reputation. Free-to-play farms, clickers and other crafts are trying their best to make users forget their way to Google Play and the App Store. However, individual developers continue to struggle and prove that good games are everywhere.
AI Dungeon (free on the App Store and Google Play)
The flowering of text adventure games came at the end of the last century, when technology had not yet kept pace with the imagination of the authors. However, this does not mean that the genre at the junction of literature and video games has been forgotten. On the contrary, it continues to develop using the most advanced technologies. For example, a neural network writes stories for AI Dungeon.
At the very beginning, the player is invited to choose an existing setting or set his own. Just enter a few descriptive sentences and the game will begin. Further everything will develop depending on your teams and AI mood. Want Michael Jackson armed with a shotgun to suddenly enter the room? This will happen immediately, and very organically. However, such freedom has a flip side – plots easily reach the state of delirium, if they are not restrained on their own. Plus, sometimes AI gets confused, forgets details and surroundings. Nevertheless, the experiment looks interesting.
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LEGO Builder’s Journey (Apple Arcade)
LEGO games are a whole separate genre that can be recognized at a glance. Yellow men, light humor and a flying environment of cubes. Whether it’s Hogwarts, the Death Star or Gotham City, the recipe for these children’s action platformers remains unchanged. The more surprising LEGO Builder’s Journey is.
Unlike many other games in this franchise, LEGO Builder’s Journey is a puzzle. Elements of riddles are not news, but now this is not fun, colorful entertainment, but a deep and meditative process in which you need to build a road for the heroes. The figures of characters are not made in the form of familiar little men, but are created from separate blocks, which further excludes the game from “relatives”.
Minecraft Earth (free on the App Store and Google Play)
Augmented reality is one of the few advantages of mobile devices over other gaming platforms. To be honest, catching Pokemon from your PC in the bosom is not very convenient. Therefore, large projects using this technology always attract a lot of attention.
In December, early access to Minecraft Earth opened. Like the original, the spin-off focuses on construction, only now the platform for creativity is not the screen, but … well, in general, also the screen, but adjusted for augmented reality. Users can also collect resources in the vicinity and find other buildings players. However, it is worth considering that in the earlier version there are a lot of bugs.
She Sees Red (₽229 on the App Store and ₽239 on Google Play)
Interactive cinema still cannot find its place – is it a movie or a video game? Where should they be distributed: on Steam or on Netflix? One day someone will give answers to these questions, but for now this genre feels quite comfortable in the midst of uncertainty, replenished with new paintings.
“She is angry” is a thriller that stands out almost nothing. It does not have any revelations or obvious omissions; it is just a good movie. History develops in two time lines. One is a criminal, the other is an investigator. The actions of the first at certain moments are controlled by the viewer / player, which affects the entire plot and ending. Thanks to this, “just a good movie” begins to play with new colors.