Because of the coronavirus pandemic, all gatherings with friends were postponed, and the beloved Monopoly and Munchkin gather dust in boxes. It doesn’t matter! There are many board games on the PC, thanks to which you can have a good time, meet friends from a new perspective, and even quarrel with someone in the heat of excitement.
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Gremlins, Inc.
Gremlins, Inc. Is a mixture of Monopoly and Munchkin. She has a physical version, but the game gained real fame after the release of the network version.
Setting table – a steampunk city of gremlins, where each character has its own background. Participants start the game from different cells of the field, the essence of the game is to enrich themselves at the expense of others, and the main goal is to be the first to score the agreed number of points (limits can be set independently).
Gremlins, Inc.
You need to earn points with the help of cards: in your hand you always have six of them, they have different properties. In addition to the description, each map in Gremlins, Inc. there is an image of a dice: you can choose how many cells to move around the field. This feature reduces randomness and makes the dashboard a good strategy.
However, not all so simple. It’s not enough to calculate the moves yourself: other players will try their best to stop your development and do other dirty tricks. A character can be robbed, imprisoned, robbed of his strong cards and even accumulated gears. In a party for six people, maximum unity occurs at those moments when someone has become a leader. All cards fly into him to “strangle”.
The digital version of the board game is about animals trying to find out who is the most important in the forest. In the story, King Armello went crazy, so the animals need to overthrow him from the throne and play the crown among the worthy. On the release, critics described it as “Game of Thrones” about animals. “
Armello has balance problems: some animals are stronger than others. Many gamers agree that it’s easier to play with bears than with other animals, but I think that the maximum randomness of moves equalizes the chances of the characters.
There are several options for victory – you can be noble, cunning, strong or become even crazier than the current ruler, collecting more malicious Rot. Despite many elements, including battles with monsters, pumping equipment, completing quests and moving around the field, the standard game for four players lasts about an hour.
Pummel party
Pummel Party combines both elements of the table and competitive mini-games for elimination. In the main mode, you try to pass the game field more successfully and get as many treasures as possible, and after each round you go to earn keys for chests and powerful artifacts that slow down opponents.
A big plus of the Pummel Party is that in mini-games the skill most often wins, and when passing through the field it is random. This equalizes the chances of the participants and adds emotion. The user who takes the first place in each mini-game can skip past the necessary cells for several rounds in a row, and throw bombs at friends in retaliation.
Tabletop simulator
Tabletop Simulator is an application on Steam that allows you to run almost any existing board game on your PC. However, for this you will need to search for downloads in Workshop or search through half the Internet, as many cool games are in personal collections. Sometimes owners of licensed copies of desktops complain about illegal ports in Tabletop, and they are deleted.
Tabletop Simulator is an indie project that Berserk Games raised money for on Kickstarter. It is especially nice that it has simple versions of desktops like checkers, chess, solitaire and dominoes. A good option is to recall the classics, which our grandfathers played in the gazebos in the yard. “I went into the game, and there the Armenians play backgammon” is one of the popular comments on Steam. What to do, coronavirus.
Tabletop supports connecting VR devices. Thanks to this feature, games with friends can be simulated almost completely, gathering in virtual reality at the same table. However, the most valuable are still the classic ports of board games, which do not have official digital versions. I especially want to highlight two of my favorites:
The Citadels is one of my favorite board games for the casual company. The rules are simple, so you don’t have to spend a lot of time explaining it.
During the game you will change your role many times: in the game there is a killer, a robber, an architect, a merchant and other heroes. The task of every gamer is to “build” as many neighborhoods in his kingdom as possible. Each character has special skills: you can “kill” an opponent, and he will miss a move, break his quarters or rob. If everyone plays against everyone, the game can drag on, and close friends will definitely stick a few virtual knives in the back.
A relaxing game to play with parents and children. In it, each participant plays the role of an artist studying at the Japanese school of drawing.
Players take turns picking cards from the virtual table: some are laid out openly, and others face down. With the help of cards you can draw a picture, or you can improve your workshop by adding additional colors and skills to it. The best students will receive certificates of excellence, which are taken into account in the final scoring.
If you want to play all the desktops at once, then Tabletop Simulator will be the best option. The hardest part is finding friends who are willing to experiment.
Board games with friends online are the best way to argue with them. This, of course, is a joke, but there is some truth in it. Tables allow you to get to know your friends from the “dark” side, jointly solve complex strategic problems and check which of you is most favored by luck. I put together a personal top for you, and you share your options in the comments.