May 22 is the birthday of Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of the world’s most famous detective – Sherlock Holmes. This image and the novels of the British writer themselves firmly entered popular culture and formed the appearance and canons of the detective genre, which now, in addition to books, is actively developing in cinema and video games. remembered the titles in which gamers turned into detectives and unraveled the most complex cases requiring deduction, attentiveness, and logic.
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Why Conan Doyle?
Detectives in literature in one form or another existed before Conan Doyle. For example, the real investigation into the murder of his father was carried out by King Oedipus in the eponymous tragedy of Sophocles, which was written before our era. The usual confrontation between the archetypes of the “killer” and “detective” was not there, because both of these incarnations were combined by the main character, and the emphasis in it was precisely on the inner experiences, however, this was one of the first detective stories in world culture. Wilkie Collins and Edgar Allan Poe showed themselves in this genre in the middle of the 19th century. The story of the latter “Murder on Morgue Street” is considered a kind of reference point in the history of the detective genre. But it was Arthur Conan Doyle and his series about Sherlock Holmes that really formed the genre.
Arthur Conan Doyle
After the advent of Sherlock Holmes in Britain, a whole culture of detectives was born. In the late 1920s, authors who wrote in this genre formed the “Detective Club”. It, for example, consisted of Agatha Christie, Peter Dickinson and Alan Milne. The plots, the concept of the confrontation between the detective and the criminal, as well as the structure and methods of the investigation described by Conan Doyle, had a great influence both on the perception of detectives and on the work of real criminologists. Largely based on Sherlock Holmes novels, the Detective Club has released a set of ten rules of the genre. Some of these points have lost their relevance, such as the “ban on Chinese heroes,” but most of the rules, if you look closely, still lie at the heart of almost all known detective stories.
Actual rules of the “Club of Detectives”:
- the criminal should be the person who appeared at the beginning, but they should not be the character whose thoughts were allowed to follow the reader;
- the action of otherworldly forces or something supernatural is excluded in a natural way;
- You cannot use more than one secret passage or hidden room;
- you can not use devices whose mode of action will have to be explained to the reader for a long time, as well as new and unknown poisons to the world;
- the detective should not end up being a criminal himself;
- doubles or twins should not suddenly appear in the detective.
If detective novels or films give the viewer / reader a choice: try to unravel the matter on their own or just relax and watch the actions of the detective, then there is no such choice in games – the user must collect and analyze all the clues and leads. Because of this, detective games may be structurally different from the usual format for literature or cinema. However, a high-quality title can have fascinating gameplay and at the same time practically not violate the basic rules of the detective genre. chose five video games, which, in our opinion, are closest in spirit to the canonical detective story.
Still Life – maximum realism and masked maniac
Still Life is perhaps the most hardcore game on this list. It most clearly shows the confrontation between the two main archetypes for the detective genre: detective (FBI agent Victoria McPherson) and killers (masked maniac). Their “battle” takes place both in the context of the games of the mind, and in the final fights and pursuits. At the same time, the psychological portrait of the killer indicates that he is an educated intellectual, and not just a slaughtered madman. Because of this, the duel between the detective and the maniac becomes even more intense.
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