How to tame a fox in Minecraft

IN Minecraft there is a huge variety of animals, most of which can be tamed. With some it is easier to make friends, with others it is more difficult. To find an approach to foxes, you need to make an effort, since they do not lend themselves to training. You can tame only small foxes, so you need to start breeding these animals so that you can feed them from birth.

The first step is to find foxes. It should be borne in mind that redheads can be found in biomes with taiga, and whites, respectively, in snowy taiga. Foxes are nocturnal predators, although they are friendly to the player, so it is better to catch them during the daytime when they sleep. Find two or more animals sleeping side by side, and build a pen around them, at least two blocks high. In order not to frighten them away, you should approach in sneak mode or use an invisibility potion.

After that, you need to feed the foxes with sweet berries until hearts appear above them. This means that soon a fox cub should appear, which can be tamed and made your companion. He, unlike his parents, will not run away from the player, but he will not always follow him. Therefore, with the help of a leash, you need to take it away so that the fox is not distracted by other foxes.

After some time, the fox cub will follow the player on its own, without using a leash. It is also worth keeping in mind that foxes are hostile to dogs and wolves, so if the player already has these tamed animals, they should be kept at a distance from each other.

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