How to level the ground in Valheim

When building a house and other structures, it is important that the base is even, since physics is implemented in the game. And although it is far from ideal, if part of the building does not have supports or stands on a slope, the entire structure can fall apart.

Starting biome in Valheimalthough it is a flat terrain, it is replete with many hills and irregularities, so in any case, players will have to do landscape design. This will require a hoe – one of the first tools that can be crafted on a basic workbench. Its options allow you to lower, raise and level the ground.

It should be borne in mind that when leveling, the hoe raises or lowers the ground to the level of the character. Therefore, the best options would be:

  • Leveling the ground around the character;
  • Leveling the ground with forward movement.

In the second case, the character steps on a flat spot and the next section is equal to the same level. If you move backward, then when the character climbs a hill or descends into a lowland, the previous section will be aligned precisely for this area, and as a result, you will get something like steps or a slope. Therefore, using these simple manipulations, you can quickly and easily level a plot for building a house or creating a vegetable garden.

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