How to fly in Valheim | GameMAG

Officially in Valheim you can’t fly. This possibility is not provided by the developers, but there are still ways to launch the character high into the sky. The first of them is realized thanks to the game debug mode, and the second is the manipulation of the available game mechanics.

To enable debug mode, press F5 on your keyboard and enter the debugmode console command followed by the imacheater code. After that, the creative mode will be available, in which you can do almost anything. Including moving the character both along the plane and vertically. In particular, the Z key is responsible for turning flights on and off.

It should also be borne in mind that the game is currently in early access, and later this feature may be disabled. In addition, the ability to fly is only available in single player mode. If you join friends, then this function will not be available.

The second way to “fly” is realized due to the imperfection of the game engine. To launch the character into the sky, you need an Abyssal Harpoon and a friend. The companion must hit the player with a harpoon and run a distance, pulling on the harness attached to the weapon. The player himself, in order to prevent dragging, must at this moment rest against something static, for example, a stone boulder.

After the harness is taut as much as possible, the player should jump so that he no longer runs into the obstacle, and the companion must release the taut harpoon. As a result, the player’s character will fly high above the map, but the flight will not be long, since the attraction will take its toll.

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