Giant Baby: The PlayStation 5’s original design was even bigger than the final model

One of the most talked about sides of the upcoming next-gen console Playstation 5 its dimensions became – engineers Sony assembled a really large gaming machine that outshines even a monolithic Xbox series x… However, in the early stages of the creation of the PS5, the system’s case was planned to be made even more, as he said in a fresh interview. Yujin Morisawa – the person responsible for the design of the novelty.

Morisawa admits that while making the first working sketches of the upcoming design, without having a final idea of ​​all the decisions of the engineering team, he planned to make the console extremely large. Only later did the technical department ask the artist to slow down a little.

“At the very beginning, when I just started sketching, the console was even bigger. Although I had no idea what the engineers would fill it with. It’s funny enough that later the technicians approached me and explained that the resulting design was oversized. as a result, the body had to be shrunk a little, “explains Yuzin Morisawa.

As for the public reaction to the work of a designer, here Morisawa I was very pleased, considering even critical reviews worthy of attention.

The artist deliberately tried to bring to life a somewhat atypical form factor, and various humorous pictures depicting PS5 in the form of routers and other elements of everyday life, according to Morisawa, are a positive thing, because in this way people can associate the console with the things they are used to.

Start of sales Playstation 5 will take place 12 november, and the Russian prime minister is scheduled for November 19

Read also: “Good luck!”: Nintendo and Sony congratulate Microsoft on the launch of Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S

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