Genshin Impact – Yan Fei. Best Builds, Weapons, Artifacts – review Addiction

Finding out how to turn Legal Counsel Yan Fei into a killer Pyro Damager.

Yan Fei, the best legal consultant in Li Yue, is good not only at paperwork, but also on the battlefield. She owns the catalyst and the Pyro element, and she is clearly assigned the role of the main damage dealer: Yan Fei copes with her so well that she has already been nicknamed “free-play Kli”. And, best of all, she’s a lot easier to handle than the explosive babe from Monstadt.

Yan Fei’s strengths and weaknesses


  • Easily creates elemental reactions.
  • Dazes enemies and deals massive damage.
  • Decent attack range.


  • Selfish playstyle: when changing to another character, Yan Fei loses everything Crimson seals and buff Shine from your ultimate.
  • Constant use of charged attacks: if you inadvertently spend stamina, you can stay at zero at a critical moment.
  • Gaping can easily miss a hit that interrupts her charged attack and lose her accumulated seals.

Yan Fei’s Abilities

First of all, it is important for Yan Fei to pump her main attack, Approval stamp… Next in priority is her ult, Deal… But don’t forget about the elemental skill: while it does not do as much damage, it is an important part of the rotation and a way to get Crimson seals, which we will discuss in more detail below.

Main Attack – Seal of Approval

Normal attack: Launches up to three fireballs that deal damage to Pyro. When a normal attack hits an enemy, Yan Fei gains one Crimson seal, which will hang behind her for 10 seconds. By default, the heroine can collect a maximum of three seals. Each time you receive a new seal, the duration of the existing Crimson Seals is updated.

Each Crimson seal Reduces Yan Fei’s stamina consumption by 15%, but the seals disappear when you change characters.

Charged attack: Yan Fei spends some of his stamina and everything Crimson print, inflicting area damage on Pyro in front of him. The more spent Crimson seals, the greater the damage and radius of the charged attack. During a charged attack, a number appears on the character indicating the number of used Crimson seals… Until reaching the sixth constellation, these are numbers from 1 to 3, on C6 – from 1 to 4.

Attack in the fall: After accumulating fire energy, it rapidly falls to the ground, attacking all enemies on the way. After landing, Pyro deals area damage.

Elemental Skill – Signed Decree

Summons flames that inflict area damage on Pyro. When hitting an enemy, it gives Yan Fei the maximum amount Crimson seals

Elemental explosion (ulta) – Deal

Unleashes a furious stream of fire that hits nearby enemies, dealing area damage to Pyro and a 20 second cooldown of Elemental Blast. Also grants Yan Fei the maximum amount of Crimson Seals and the effect Shine

Shine lasts 15 seconds has the following effects:

  • Gives Yan Fei one Crimson Seal once per second;
  • increases the damage of a charged attack.

Effect Shine disappears if Yan Fei leaves the battlefield or dies. Ideally, we should have time to gain energy for the ultimate every 20 seconds, then the effect Shine will be on Yan Fei for the maximum amount of time during the battle.

Passive skills

  • Reservation – when Yan Fei’s charged attack consumes Crimson seals, each spent seal increases Pyro’s bonus damage by 5%, the effect lasts 6 seconds. If a charged attack is used again during the effect, it removes the previous effect.
  • Fiery gaze – upon a critical hit with a charged attack on the enemy, Yan Fei additionally inflicts damage to Pyro in an area equal to 80% of the attack power. Damage is counted as charged attack damage.
  • Encyclopedic knowledge – marks Li Yue’s curiosities on the minimap.

How to play as Yan Fei

Guide: Genshin Impact - Yan Fei. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

To effectively deal damage for Yan Fei, you should always keep an eye on the number of seals. At the beginning of the battle, we use the elemental skill, after which we get three seals and immediately press the charged attack. Then a cycle: three normal attacks to accumulate three seals (four if Yan Fei has the sixth constellation), then a charged attack, and so on in a circle. Do not forget to squeeze the elemental skill right after the rollback until the ult is charged.

Before using the ultimate, first switch to supports and use their abilities (for example, the explosions of the elements of Bennett or Xing Qiu, as well as the shield), and then select Yan Fei and press the ultimate. Immediately after using it, we get a maximum of seals and a buff Shine. It is very important not to switch to other heroes for as long as possible while the buff is active, otherwise it will disappear. Immediately after the ultimate, we press the charged attack (the ultimate has already provided us with a maximum of seals), followed by the elemental skill + charged attack, and then the cycle speeds up a little. Once per second we get one seal, so we use the normal attack 1-2 times, depending on whether you dodged during the action. Shine or not; after that, there is a charged attack. During the ultimate, monitor your stamina so as not to waste it too quickly. Repeat until victorious!

If you separately take the game through elemental reactions and choose artifacts for the mastery of the elements, then make sure that the enemies always have a status. That is, while accumulating energy for Yan Fei’s ultimate, we periodically switch to supports in order to hang on the enemy, say, Hydro or Cryo, and then we return and detonate him with three attacks and charged at the end.

The best constellations for Yan Fei

Guide: Genshin Impact - Yan Fei. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

The first constellation will help a lot in playing as Yan Fei, which will reduce the stamina consumption for charged attacks by 10% for each Crimson seal (that is, up to a 30% discount on stamina – or up to 40% on the sixth constellation), and also reduce the likelihood of their interruption. This will simplify stamina management and allow you to focus on more important game mechanics.

The second constellation will allow you to crit more often on enemies with low HP, which will facilitate finishing moves, but the fourth one really buffs Yan Fei very strongly. With each use of the ultimate, Yan Fei will receive a shield that will protect against interruptions and make the game for her even more comfortable and less dependent on other defensive abilities of the group.

The last constellation will increase overall damage and reduce stamina consumption for Yan Fei’s charged attacks by increasing the maximum amount Crimson seals.

  1. The law is harsh. When launching a Charged Attack, each Crimson Seal increases Interrupt Resistance while casting and reduces the Stamina Consumption of that Charged Attack by 10%.
  2. Right of interpretation. Increases Yan Fei’s Charged Attack Critical Hit Chance by 20% against enemies with HP below 50%.
  3. Seal of Truth. Increases skill level Signed decree by 3. Max. Lvl .: 15.
  4. Security certificate. When using talent Deal creates a shield that for 15 sec. absorbs damage equal to 45% of the max. HP Yan Fei. Pyro’s damage is absorbed 250% more efficiently.
  5. Submission to the law. Increases the skill level on hands by 3. Max. Lvl .: 15.
  6. Additional item. Increases the maximum number of Crimson Seals by 1.

Best weapon for Yan Fei

Guide: Genshin Impact - Yan Fei. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

Any gold catalyst would be an excellent choice for Yan Fei, however Prayer to the holy winds surpasses the rest due to the secondary characteristic (the crit chance, which is needed to proc a passive talent Fiery gaze) and a unique property: every 4 sec. the hero takes up to + 16% elemental damage, and the effect stacks up to four times. The effect disappears when the character is changed or dies, as well as Crimson seals Yan Fei.

Dust memory will be useful in a group with a hero who provides a stable shield: for example, with Zhong Li.

If we talk about more affordable “purple” weapons, the options are as follows.

Sun Pearl Is a great catalyst for Yan Fei. Increases the chance of a critical hit (which, again, is useful for Fiery gaze). Gives a mutual buff to your skills: after dealing damage with a normal attack, it will increase the damage from the elemental skill and the explosion of elements up to 40% for 6 seconds. And vice versa: after hitting with an elemental skill or an ultimate – up to + 40% damage to normal attacks. True, the weapon does not increase damage from charged attacks and does not provide a buff when used.

Montenegrin agate Is one of the best catalysts for Yan Fei. Will give a lot of crit. damage and when killing an enemy will increase the attack power by a maximum of 24% for 30 seconds. This effect stacks up to 3 times, but the duration of the side effects is not correlated. Yan Fei has an increased critical hit chance on opponents with HP below 50%, so when fighting large groups of enemies, it will be enough to kill one or two opponents for the boost to work and make it easier to defeat the rest. But in boss battles, when the entire battle takes place with one goal, this catalyst will lose its effectiveness.

Wanderer’s Song Is another good option. In addition to increasing the crit. Damage, when switched to Yan Fei, this catalyst grants one of three possible buffs for 10 seconds. Each of them will be a good help for the main damage dealer: an increase in attack to 120%, and an increase in damage to 96%, and an increase in elemental mastery up to +480. A new buff can be obtained every 30 seconds.

Eye of Consciousness will give a passive increase in attack power, but in terms of basic attack, this catalyst is inferior to all previous ones. When hit with a normal or charged attack with a 50% chance, an Eye of Consciousness appears, which deals up to 360% damage and can be reflected from the enemy to the enemy up to four times. Well suited for a playstyle in which Yan Fei collects large packs of enemies and destroys them at once.

Permafrost fruit Is a good crafting catalyst if nothing else is available. It will add attack power to you and give you a chance to summon an ice crystal over the enemy once every 10 seconds, which will deal up to 140% damage, and if the target already has a Cryo status, then up to 360% damage.

The best artifacts for Yan Fei

Guide: Genshin Impact - Yan Fei. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

The first option is a set of four Wandering ensemble… This set will increase your elemental mastery by 80 and will give a constant increase to charged attack damage + 35%. This is the most stable set: it does not make you think about maintaining stacks, all your attention will be focused on the fight with the enemy. Priority set when playing via charged attack build… However, it will be difficult to farm good artifacts: this set only drops from bosses.

A two-piece assembly will work well. The burning scarlet witch and Ceremonies of the ancient nobility, which in total will give us + 15% Pyro damage and + 20% ultimate damage. A replacement option is also possible Nobles into two pieces of a set Gladiator’s End, giving + 18% attack.

Another option – 4x set Lava Walker… They usually treat him with skepticism, but Yan Fei will constantly maintain the Pyro effect on targets due to her abilities (she simply does not have physical attacks, like, for example, in Dilyuk) – that is, + 35% damage to targets with Pyro status to you provided. However, remember that some slimes and other elemental opponents cannot gain Pyro status at all due to innate elemental affiliation, and this effect will not apply to them.

It is believed that a set of four things Oncoming comet can also be playable in a team with Zhong Li – if, for example, at the same time used as a catalyst Dust memory… A full set under the protection of a shield increases the damage of normal and charged attacks by 40%.

Some will say that a set of four The burning scarlet witch doesn’t look very good on Yan Fei, but you can use him too. Using an elemental skill increases the effect of a set of two things (which is + 15% Pyro damage) by 50% for 10 seconds; can be folded up to 3 times. This gives a significant boost to damage, but many are confused that the effect of a full set can be difficult to maintain, because The cooldown of Yan Fei’s elemental skill is 9 seconds, and there is only one second left to collect a stack. It will be difficult to constantly proc this effect in battle, given that there are 3 more characters in the team, and everyone must use their skills. But despite this, Seth The burning scarlet witch good enough for Yan Fei, and best of all he will play elemental reactions build

Charged attack build

  • Cup on the Pyro damage bonus.
  • Clock by% attack power / energy recovery (depends on whether there is enough energy recovery in the secondary characteristics).
  • Cap with crit. damage / crit. chance. It is advisable to keep the crit balance. chance and crit. damage 1: 2, that is, for 50% crit we want to collect 100% crit. damage. Attention: for Yan Fei, especially in the charged attack build, it is especially important to collect a high (from 50%) crit. a chance if you want to freak out often Fiery gaze

Top bonus stats in order of priority:

  1. Crete. chance / crit. damage;
  2. % attack;
  3. energy recovery.

Elemental reactions build

  • Cup on the Pyro damage bonus.
  • Clock with a bonus on elemental mastery /% attack / energy recovery (depends on whether there is enough energy recovery in the secondary characteristics). Mastery of the elements comes to the fore here, tk. with constant Steam or Melting reactions, it is more beneficial than% Attack.
  • Cap with crit. damage / crit. chance. It is advisable to keep the crit balance. chance and crit. damage 1: 2, that is, for 50% crit we want to collect 100% crit. damage.

Top bonus stats in order of priority:

  1. Crete. damage / crit. chance;
  2. energy recovery (collect until the moment when you will comfortably fit in time into the recharge of Yan Fei’s ultimate, because, periodically switching to support characters in order to hang the status, we accumulate energy more slowly);
  3. elemental mastery /% attack.

The best companions for Yan Fei

Guide: Genshin Impact - Yan Fei. Best builds, weapons, artifacts

Because of Yan Fei’s “selfish” style of play, it would be best to pick up partners for her, whose goal is to enter the battlefield, throw a skill or ult and go back to her pocket. Also, the group will not be disturbed by a character who controls a crowd of enemies so that opponents cannot get close and interfere with Yan Fei.

  • Albedo / Zhong Li… Albedo will increase the damage from Steam with his ultimate, and Zhong Li will give us a shield and cut off the resistance of enemies, making them more vulnerable.
  • Xing Qiu. Easily allows you to create an elemental Par reaction. One of the best supports for all Pyro damage dealers and for many groups in general.
  • Fischl. The task is to get out, put an eagle on the field and go back to “pocket”.
  • Gan Yu / Keia / Rosary… All three have great ults that will help activate Melt. You can also try a group of two Pyro and two Cryo characters with two elemental resonances.
  • Sucrose / Venti. They will help with controlling opponents, but do not forget to “throw” into their ult the correct element, different from Pyro, in order to activate elemental reactions for Yan Fei. For control, it is also a good option Mona – she will at the same time throw the Hydro status on the enemies, with which you can activate Par.
  • Bennet – excellent support: it will increase our damage with the ultimate, activate Pyro’s elemental resonance (bonus to attack power) and will not require much time on the battlefield. Can be replaced with any other healer if you don’t have Bennett.
  • Yan Fei + Xing Qiu + Bennett + Zhong Li. One of the options for a strong group led by Yan Fei.

A new character on release always causes a lot of discussions and options for parties – share in the comments who you take to the group with your Yan Fei. And good luck with the Genshin Impact!

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