Fascinating text quest: who are you from Dota 2 – female version

In ancient Greek myths, the golden apple of Eris, on which was written “The Most Beautiful”, was the cause of the Trojan War. In the world of Dota 2, a reason for battle can be a much smaller event than the kidnapping of a wife from the Spartan king Menelaus, and powerful artifacts are not scattered here, so our heroine could not pass by this mysterious object. This story and our text quest began with the legend of the golden apple. Try to go through it to the end and find out which character from Dota 2 is closest to you in spirit.



Once Zeus, the god of the sky, thunder and lightning and part-time “intovik” in Dota 2, let slip that he knew about the secret entrance to the labyrinth, at the end of which you can find the same golden apple. According to the Lord of Heaven, this artifact gives the wearer the ability to charm opponents, forcing them to move limply in his direction, and also gives high characteristics of attack and defense. “Yes, Enchantress can charm creeps, but even she is not given power over the minds and hearts of other heroes. I know where the golden apple is, but only a woman, the most beautiful of all, can get the artifact! ” – summed up Zeus.

Which female Dota 2 characters will be able to get to the cherished artifact? It only depends on your decisions in our text quest!

Text quest

19 questions